night lords

Army Showcase: TheChirurgeon’s Night Lords

The painter: TheChirurgeon The Army: Night Lords Points: About 4,000 Collected: Started back in 1996, then added to in bits and pieces over the last 23 years The Past It all started here: Specifically, it started with this guy: I was maybe 8 years old when...

Your Legion Sucks, Part 2

So you actually came back for Part 2. We figured for sure we’d seen our last page view on Goonhammer dot com after part one but here you are, hate-reading the fuck out of us. That’s fine - we’ll...

Throwback Thursday: TheChirurgeon’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Game

Throwback Thursday: TheChirurgeon's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Game I was up in Boston this week, and despite being fresh off a weekend stuffed full of more hams than any in my life at the NoVA GT, I was still...