
Chapter Approved 2019 Balance Changes – The Goonhammer Review

With the release of Chapter Approved 2019 comes Games Workshop’s annual points review of Warhammer 40,000. And while previous years have seen only changes published in the Chapter Approved Book, this year we’re getting our own standalone book with...

Start Competing: Necrons Tactics

Do you want to march an ominous legion of undying robot skeletons across the table? Do you want to unleash monstrous technological beasts backed up by space techno-wizards? Or are you a long term fan who has been desperate...

Filthy Casual Battle Reports: New Apocalypse and New Maelstrom Rules

After what seemed like a long drought with regard to releases, June was a busy month, giving us both new Maelstrom rules that we really like, and also new Apocalypse rules that we're big fans of. While individual battle...

Unsung Heroes of the Apocalypse

Units We Are Excited to Field In Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Introduction With the launch of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team in the summer of 2018, Games Workshop changed the paradigm of 40K-adjacent games from their previous incarnations. No longer just a smaller...

Tactica – Necron Monster Mash

Introduction Hi folks, Wings here. You may have recently been exposed to the maniacal cacklings of my rather more robotic alter ego covering what's gone down when I've taken variants on my rather unusual Necron list to events. While the...

Oberek the Stormbringer’s Flesh-purgers

This is my Necron Kill-team pieced together from a half finished Necron 40k army from quite a few years ago. The current Kill-Team doesn't include the Overlord (Oberek the Stormbringer), but he'll be added as soon as the Commanders...