
The Kids’ Table: New Necron Units

While Goonhammer’s A-Team is busy going through the new Necrons Codex properly, we’ve dispatched our B-Team to offer a look at the new Datasheets in the books. Clearly with a big 40k release like this you want to do...

The Goonhammer Review: Codex Necrons 9th Edition

Cover Image Credit: Games Workshop We could do a sensible introduction to this. We really could. Perhaps should even. Nevertheless... HERE WE GO MORTALS! OVERLORD WINGS IS BACK! After suffering through the whole of 8th with an extremely underpowered Codex, Necrons are at...

Hammer of Math: Xenos Dedicated Transport Survival

This week's article continues our look at Dedicated Transports from last week, focusing on the xenos options available. We continue to see transports get fielded as key parts of winning lists, and as more events continue to responsibly open we're...

How to Paint Everything Update: Rockfish’s Illuminor Szeras

While we’re always going back and adding updates to our older How to Paint Everything series when we have new methods or need to adjust old links or rules talk, sometimes the updates are big enough that they deserve to...

9th Edition Faction Focus: Necrons

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild, the Faction FAQs released and the first details of the Grand...

How to Paint Everything: Indomitus Necrons

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. With the recent release of the Indomitus boxed...

How to Paint Everything: Illuminor Szeras

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Necrons. To return to that series, click here. Who is Illuminor Szeras? Szeras is the chief scientific mind among the Necrons, having been the one responsible for building the mechanisms...

Getting Started with 9th: How to Play Your First Game With Indomitus or the Command Edition

A new edition of Warhammer 40K is always a great time to get into the game, or get back into it after a long break. Many of Goonhammer's writing team (including myself) started playing the game either fresh of...

Indomitus: Painting the Box

Here at Goonhammer we were lucky enough to receive some Indomitus sets for our review team to pore over. With such a packed box we're obviously still working on getting it all painted, but here's where we're at so...

Psychic Awakening: Pariah – Rules Review

As you might have noticed there's rather a lot of exciting new content to talk about at the moment, but amidst all the chaos and joy of 9th Edition the final book in the Psychic Awakening series, Pariah, is...