
Swarming Skeletons: A Kill Team Battle Report

It's always a good sign when you walk away from a game wanting to play more of it, and that's just what happened when me and one of my local buddies played our first game of Kill Team a...

Hear Me Out, Gunum! – Episode 1 (September 10, 2021)

Hello dear readers, Gunum here bringing you a new column that has been demanded multiple times, often secretly and typically in hushed whispers, ever since we started doing all of our different list analyses here at Goonhammer. In this...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Waaaagh pt.2

We're back for part two of this week's column, today covering: The North and South GT The FactoruM GT The Saltier Classic The War on the Shore GT The Kent GT If you're looking for any of the following events,...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Waaaagh pt.1

OK, so the new bit here is that seemingly every other week I need to introduce this column with "it's the biggest week yet for Competitive Innovations" because it is, again. This week we've got ten events from around the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Big Summer Blowout pt.1

The UK scene has fully re-opened and the US scene is going from strength to strength, and those two factors have combines to give us what I believe is our single biggest weekend of events since this column started. Obviously...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Machine Superiority

No more quiet weeks, it would appear. For the second week running we've got five events to cover, and another blowout this weekend coming up, which sees both the Lone Star Open and the first weekend in the UK...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Rumblings Down Under

After last week's frankly excessive amount of 40K events the US tournament scene appears to be taking a week off, but luckily the redoubtable denizens of Australia and New Zealand have stepped up to the plate to give us...

The 2021 Big FAQ Hot Take: Xenos Edition

Games Workshop dropped an absolute bombshell of an update today, with FAQs for the majority of factions, tons of clarifications, and big adjustments to everything from core rules to key faction abilities. There’s a ton to sift through but...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Rocky Top Rumble and Copenhammer

Welcome back to another Competitive Innovations in 9th, where each week we look at the top competitive lists at the big events of the prior weekend. This week James "One Wing" Grover is out, recuperating from the stress of...

Our Inbox Sucks: Bonus entries from the One-Box Challenge

Well you’ve seen what we came up with, and now - our fury spent - we turn to the rest of the Goonhammer Cinematic Universe, for some other takes on the concept. We’re genuinely shocked by how well this...