
Necromonday: Adepticon 2022 Event Report

Howdy scummers! Guest author TheArmorOfContempt here to give you the low down on my Necromunda experience from Adepticon. If you are reading this because you want to know if Adepticon is worth your time if you only play Necromunda...

Necromunday: Ash Wastes Reveal Roundtable

Howdy scummers! It's Monday, which means it's time for another round of Necromunday. This time around, we gathered the crew to talk about the Ash Waste box reveal from Adepticon. We are pretty pumped for the next era of...

Necromunday – Review: TT Combat Half Pipe

Howdy scummers! It's Monday, which means it's time for another edition of Necromunday! This time around we're taking a look at a terrain piece you may have seen in photos here before, the TT Combat Half Pipe. It's a...

Necromunday: Model Railroad Edition – Part 1

Howdy Scummers! This week we are talking trains! Just wanted to show you a glimpse of a past project, some work in progress, and give a little idea about how I build my terrain. Back in 2020 I had the...

Necromunday – How to Paint Everything: Slopper and Scabber

Howdy Scummers! Welcome back to another exciting edition of Necromunday! This week, we’re taking a look at Necromunda’s most recent Forge World kit: the Slopper and Scabber! While not necessarily models that you’ll end up using in every, or...

Necromunday – How to Paint Everything: Imperial Scatter Terrain

Howdy scummers! Last time I checked in with you, I was talking about big plans for my upcoming campaign. This time around I've got a big update on progress, packaged up into a how-to for getting your imperial scatter...

Necromunday – Fowler’s Road to the Underhive: Part 1

Howdy scummers! Last week we talked about plans for gangs in the new year, this week we are talking about tables! Well, what goes on top of those tables. Fowler is getting ready for an upcoming Necromunda campaign. Let's...

Necromunday: A Tale of Four Scumlords – Part 1

Welcome back, Scummers! During the week, it was revealed that Dan, Cody, Dylan, and Fowler all plan on building new gangs in 2022 independently of one another. Because of that, we’ve decided to ask each one to detail their...

Necromunday: 2021 In Review: The Stuff We Did

Howdy scummers! It's Monday, and around these parts that means it's Necromunday. This week we are talking about stuff we actually did in 2021! Let's take a look back at what we managed to accomplish this year. Games played SRM: I...

Necromunday Gang Showcase: Fowler’s Squat Arbites

Howdy scummers! Happy last Necromunday of 2022. This week we are taking a look at another one of Fowler's Necro crews: the (to be named) Squat Arbites! BRINGING JUSTICE TO THE UNDERHIVE IS A TALL ORDER When I originally posted my...