
Necromunday: Spyrer Hunters Model Review

Games Workshop was kind enough to provide us with these models for review. DYLON: Awww they back, friends. I still have all these in metal from the nineties that I never painted, so it's only fitting that I get half...

Helmawr of Math: Necromunda Spyre Hunt Masters

This week's Hammer of Math goes on a murderous joy ride with the scions of House Helmawr and examines the weapon options of the Spyre Hunt Master. In the Grim Darkness of the Far Past known as 1997, when the...

Necromunda: The Book of Desolation – The Goonhammer Review

Here we have it, the Book of Desolation. While the Secundus box set and its accompanying terrain were the big splash model release (alongside the other revived Spyrers), this book is what brings all of that goodness into the...

Necromunday – Roundtable: Which Gang Should You Start With?

Howdy scummers! As the dust settles on the Hive Secundus release, the Necromunday team wanted to chat about picking a first gang. There are so many to choose from - let's take a look at the discussion. Is there any...

Necromunday – Fowler on Guilder’s Ford Radio

Howdy scummers! Welcome to a special late edition of Necromunday. This week I dropped by the fantastic Guilders-Ford Radio for a chat about Spyrers, the Necromunday Weekender at the GHO, and the inspiration for the Manwolfs gang. Check out the...

CYRAC: Necromunda Secundus

John from Can You Roll a Crit? is here again with his review on the brand new Necromunda Secundus box. He goes over the box itself from the new campaign and factions as well as the terrain, bringing his...

JAKTP Interviews Fowler on Necromunda: Secundus JAKTP: For anyone who doesn’t know: what is Hive Secundus? How does this compare to other Necromunda boxes? Fowler: Secundus is a self-contained box that pits a Spyrer and Van Saar gangers against Malstrain Genestealers, in the dank and crowded corridors...

Goonhammer Reviews Necromunda – Hive Secundus: The Models

Our Necromunda: Secundus coverage continues with a look at the models in the box. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us an advanced copy for review. Spyrer Orrus Sky Serpent: The Orrus Spyrers were models that I liked when I...

Necromunday Weekender at the Goonhammer Open Baltimore 2024

Howdy, scummers! This week on Necromunday, we are talking about our upcoming Necromunda event at the GHO. While colossal armies rage across the planet, the gangs of the hive world Lenk fight for control of the underhive. The 40k...

Necromunday: Spyrers in the Underhive

Welcome scummers! This weekend's Warhammer Preview included the reveal of a new season called Hive Secundus, featuring one of the most feared threats in older versions of Necromunda; the Spyrer! Players of the 1995 version of Necromunda will recall, sometimes...