
How to Paint Everything – Necromunda Barricades

Howdy scummers! This one is a call to action. We know you have a pile of Necro / Kill Team barricade sprues collecting dust somewhere. We've got a simple suggestion for you: Paint your damn barricades That's it. Put paint on...

Necromunday – Promethium Tanks (and Trailer) Review

Howdy, scummers! It's Necromunday Necro release day. This week we are psyched to be reviewing the Cargo-8 Trailer with Promethium Tanks and 2x Promethium Tanks kits. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing early preview copies of both sets. The...

Necromunday- Dead by Domelight: A Special Halloween Solo Scenario

Hello, spooky scummers! This year is a special year for Necromunda fans everywhere. Not only are Necromunda fans getting yet another dose of content with a timely Necromunday article, but today Necromunday is sharing the day with the most frightening...

Necromunday – Gang Showcase: Swiftblade’s Snake Eaters

What a thrill… A few weeks ago, I won a local Necromunda campaign run by Greg “Klobasnek” Narro and made a post about it in celebration on the Goonhammer Patron discord. Like any good shadowy Necromunday overlord, Fowler messaged me...

Necromunday: Building an Underhive Grill From Scrap

Of all the places people inhabit in the forty-first millennium, hive-cities are perhaps the most miserable. Vast spires rising from ashen wastelands, as though the mounds of cosmic termites. These incomprehensibly colossal agglomorations of mankind are formed into a...

Goonhammer Event Report: the 2022 Michigan GT in Lansing, Michigan

The Michigan GT happened this past weekend (Sep 30 - October 2) in downtown Lansing, Michigan at the Lansing Center. The event has been going for about a decade, first starting small as a Warhammer 40k GT and now...

Necromunday: Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning Roundtable

Howdy scummers! This week we have have two Kevins in a dialogue about the New Necro book - Aranthan Succession: Cinderak Burning. We recently reviewed it, but we are back to talk about more stuff we liked! We would also...

How To Paint Everything: Fronteris Terrain

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint different models, armies, and materials, and different approaches to painting them. In this article, Charlie Brassley teams up with Kevin “Fowler” Fowler to suggest...

Necromunday: Goliath Champion and Durgan Kill-Fist Model Review

Games Workshop kindly provided these models to Goonhammer for review purposes. This pair of overbuff scummers were a surprise to most, I imagine, as Goliaths already got their book a long time ago. Still, as Goonhammer's resident grimdark roid rager...


They did it! After 3 years of no NOVA Open (4 for Campbell), the fellas made their pilgrimage to Crystal City for the 2022 NOVA Open! Inside this episode, Dan is a brain genius, Campbell won't shut up about...