
Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz, Part 2: Grenadier? I ‘ardly know ier!

Epaulettes. They're a thing you put on your shoulders when in a uniform that makes your shoulders look wider. They have a fringe, and a flat bit, and lots of details if you're doing it right. They attach to...

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz, Part 1: Some Corsican Guy

Surprisingly, for someone with a love for Historicals gaming, and far too many abandoned projects in more or less every game goonhammer covers, I've never picked up Napoleonics. There's a good few reasons for this - the whole period...

Turnip28: Interview with Max FitzGerald

Every so often a new trend grips the hobby community but it's rare for one to arise quite so fast as what is known as Turnip28. Inspired by the Inq28 and Dark Age of Sigmar communities, part of the...

Historicals Review – Victrix Guard Lancers

There were three regiments of Guard Lancers, the Polish Lancers (1st and 3rd Regiments being Old Guard and Young Guard) and the Red (2nd Regiment Dutch-French) Lancers. The Polish Lancers had an almost legendary reputation in combat and were undefeated...

How to Paint Everything: Napoleonic British

So you've seen the movie and now you know with absolute certainty where Napoleon went wrong. You can, and will, do better. It's time to get into real wargaming. Welcome to Napoleonics. This article is part of our Getting Started:...

Miniature Review: Elite Companies French Infantry 1807-14 by Perry Miniatures

In our Miniature Review series, we look at the wide world of tiny soldiers for cool stuff to share with all of you. This week, SRM is reviewing the Elite Companies French Infantry 1807-14 by Perry Miniatures. Disclaimer: The miniatures...