Trogdor Tribal – Old School Burnination with Vaevictis Asmadi

Credit: Anti Rusu, Wizards of the Coast Back in my day, before you kids came along with your Emracools and your Urgos, when YOU were the only planeswalker around, and Commander was a military rank, we used to play the...

Commander Focus: Kenrith, death by taxes

Credit: Kieran Yanner, Wizards of the Coast Kenrith, the Returned King is just sort of generically good. He's a 5/5 for 5, which isn't an amazing stat block, but his 5 activated abilities are flexible, powerful and useful. Additionally his cmc...

28 Turns Later – Zombie Tribal Commander

Halloween is past us but that doesn't mean we can't still talk about the walking dead. So it’s time to raise some moldering old corpses from the grave with a Zombie tribal deck! Are you picturing a sweet mono...

Commander Focus: Tazri, Beacon of Unity (but not of winning)

A long time ago, in a meta far far away, General Tazri was a top tier cEDH commander, and a shell for food chain. Food chain relies on a relatively rare ability: Cards that can be cast from exile. The...

CF: Let’s Fighting Love: Neyith of the Dire Hunt

Occasionally Wizards of the Coast comes out with a new legendary creature (or planeswalker) that makes for an exciting commander. Unfortunately, some of the topmost competitive commanders in the game (Tymna the weaver, Thrasios Triton Hero, Kenrith the returned...

The Early Risers of Zendikar Rising

by Shane Beeps of The Dive Down This week’s episode of The Dive Down is a celebration of the new. Zendikar Rising is here, and already making waves in Modern and Pioneer. In this companion article, I’ll first go over...

Zendikar Rising Set Review, Vol. 2

Hello again! Shane here from The Dive Down Podcast. Last week I wrote up some of our thoughts on the first batch of Zendikar Rising spoilers, and the second half is potentially even more exciting! The set looks to...

Commander Focus: Prankle, Master of Pranks

Credit: Dmitry Burmak, Wizards of the Coast Faeries and rogues are cool. And there's this thing floating around, which is kind of cool: Which is one of my favorite heroes in 12v12 (though that's a story for another day), but it...

Getting Started: Magic the Gathering

So you’ve played a few games and enjoyed them, and decided that you want to take the plunge with Magic: The Gathering. Good choice! Magic is one of our favorite games, with dozens of game variants, tons of wonderful...