
Century of the Vampire: Dracula (1931)

In this week's Century of the Vampire, Bernhardt watches Dracula (1931) to see if it has anything going on besides big Bela Lugosi himself.

Ghoulhammer Historicals: The Best Historical Adjacent Horror Films

You know we're huge fans of The Silver Bayonet, Don't Look Back, and other horror games - now let's take a look at some of the films that have inspired us! The Goonhammer Historicals team writes up summaries of...

Goonhammer Historicals: Our Favorite Historical Movies

The days are getting shorter and there’s nothing better to fuel the drive for a new project than watching some moving pictures. Luckily the goonhammer starfort is equipped with a state of the art Kinema, which even has speakers...

How to Paint Everything: Classic Movie Monsters

Oh It's Halloween again and that's our favorite time of year! We love talking about monsters and horror and so this week we're revisiting some classic movie monsters from the minis line by Studio Miniatures and talking about how to...