model review

January 2025 Aeldari Model Kits – The Goonhammer Review

Along with the new Aeldari Codex come a bunch of new plastic models, and our team is here to show them off!

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Rus Miniatures Review and Pagan Rus SAGA Warband

A big thank you to Victrix for supplying a bag of their new Pagan Rus minis alongside a transfer sheet of Little Big Men Studio shield transfers for review. It's not summer anymore technically but it's always SAGA Summer...

Age of Sigmar Model Review: Stormcast Eternals Iridan the Witness

Huge thanks to Games Workshop for providing our team with the new Stormcast Eternals releases for review. Since they were first revealed at NOVA, I have been routinely pounding my desk, chanting "Goth! Bird! Goth! Bird!" in eager anticipation of...

Kill Team 2024 Model Review: Tempestus Aquilons

Scions can fly now! We are taking a look at the new Tempestus Aquilons from the Hivestorm boxed set. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an advanced review copy. Detail and Assembly As the kind of sicko who actually ran...

Goonhammer Model Review: Kroot Hound and Lonespear

The second wave of new Kroot releases is going up for preorder today, and Rockfish has been grinding away on a few of the new ones. As always, we'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending us free preview...

Belial and Deathwing Knights: Goonhammer Model Review

The Deathwing Assault box contains 16 whole terminators, and we're reviewing the 6 of them that are totally new! (The other 10 are cool too, I guess, but they're old news).

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Puma Review

If you’ve seen any of our content about Victrix stuff then I expect that most of what I am going to say of this kit isn’t new but it’s always worth repeating, as it's just that good. I genuinely...

Model Review: Sydonian Skatros, AKA Stilt Man, AKA Model Ugly

It's finally time to move on from the twin factions of the launch box when it comes to new models, and the new releases bring us a double feature of imperial and xenos models. In this article we are...

Model Review: Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise

It’s that time of the year again, and GW seems to be on a consistent roll of putting out Christmas models yearly with gradually increasing detail and complexity. Once again DA Red Gobbo features in a vaguely 40k themed...

Age of Sigmar Model Review: The Blacktalons

Huge thanks to Games Workshop for providing our team with a copy of The Blacktalons for review. When I was watching Blacktalon on Warhammer+, I kept thinking "this little D&D party would make for a great Warcry warband or something." Just a...