miniature review

Goonhammer Historicals Review: Wargames Atlantic Foot Serjeants (1100-1320)

Today we’re looking at the third box in Wargames Atlantic’s The Age of Chivalry line, the Foot Serjeants!

Wargames Atlantic Werewolves – The Goonhammer Review

Thank you to Wargames Atlantic for providing a box of their Classic Fantasy: Werewolves for review. If you’d like to pick up this kit and support Goonhammer while you’re at it, get it through our affiliate link. The Contents Each box...

Goonhammer Historicals – Wargames Atlantic WW1 Russian Infantry Review

Summer 2024 marks the 110th anniversary of the cataclysmic events that led to World War I. Despite being one of the most pivotal events of the 20th century, WWI has not achieved nearly as much representation on the tabletop...

Eldfall Chronicles: Wayfarers – A minis review for the mini expansion

Wayfarers is the newest small update to the world of Eldfall Chronicles, slotting in-between the original skirmish game and the upcoming dungeon crawler, Northern Wind (which has had just had an incredible barnstormer of a Kickstarter campaign, raising more...

Fallout Model Review: Brotherhood of Steel: Heavy Armor (T45)

These models were kindly provided to us by Modiphius for review. While there have been no shortage of power armored models released for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, these are the first to be released in plastic. In fact, they are the...

Goonhammer Historicals – WoFun Games Model and Product Review

As a fellow wargamer and friend, you may have considered the following conundrum: “I want to play games now, yet also in a way that is visually appealing on a grand scale and it will not take approximately 10,000...

Eldfall Chronicles: The Model Review

Eldfall Chronicles is the new kid on the tabletop miniatures skirmish game block. Last week we reviewed the game's rules and how it plays - you can find that review here. This week we're casting a critical eye on...

Model Review: Slaves to Darkness Chosen

We'd like to thank Games Workshop for providing us with a preview copy of the Slaves to Darkness box for review purposes. The venerable metal-to-finecast Chaos Chosen from 2008 have finally been replaced, and by gum is it a glow-up....

Miniature Review: Vikings by Victrix Miniatures

This week in the Goonhammer Historicals series, we continue our focus on the Viking Era with a look at Victrix Limited's offering of plastic Vikings in 28mm scale. Disclaimer: I paid for these minis with my own money, and Victrix...

Miniature Review: Victrix Games Ausf G Panther

Goonhammer Historicals is our weekly column taking a look at the varied world of historical wargaming. This week, Lupe reviews a new small-scale tank kit from Victrix. Victrix is a firm favourite for hard plastic historical miniatures at Goonhammer, and...