
Horus Heresy: Arvus Lighter – The Goonhammer Review

Can you hear it? The ride of the valkyries, played on kazoo? The Arvus is here for a fleeting minute before being shot down by bolter fire

Wargames Atlantic Grognard Cavalry: The Goonhammer Review

  We've had Scifi French Infantry. We've backed them up with Commanders and Heavy weapons. But there's something missing in your 30/40k Napoleonic Empire. Until now there's been nothing riding to the rescue when plans encounter the enemy  - enter...

Wargames Atlantic – The Damned: The Goonhammer Review

Wargames Atlantic and Miniwargaming have a plan ambitious almost to the point of madness - a multi-kit, multi-part, plastic, 8+ box set full release for their Death Fields range, all at once. Building from their experience in plastic production,...

The Imperialis Militia: the Goonhammer Hot Take

Long awaited, Games Workshop have dropped a special treat for kitbashers and converters and guard players everywhere this week - the Imperialis Militia list for Horus Heresy. We've got a hot take on how it'll play.