middle earth strategy battle

MESBG: Battle of Edoras – Hill Tribesmen and Characters Review

We would like to thank Games Workshop for providing us with a review copy of the Battle of Edoras, which these miniatures are from. The Sprues The Battle for Edoras box brings two new evil plastic kits: Hill Tribesmen and Wulf...

Muster the Banners – How to construct an army in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.

So we’ve talked a bit in other articles about different armies, and I’ve used examples of builds with different point values, but I’ve not explained why. In ME:SBG people play at a variety of points levels, and this makes...

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Rumil & Orophin Showcase

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing a preview of these models. As we discussed in the recent Middle Earth Preview Roundtable, there are a grip of Elves incoming! Michael has painted up Rumil & Orophin; brothers of Haldir,...

Middle Earth Preview Roundtable, August 2022

While Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game has had pretty consistent support, it's generally been a named captain here or there. This past weekend GW previewed a wealth of releases for the game: a new starter, battleforce boxes, and a...

New Year, New Armies: An Exercise in Foolishness

At the end of 2021 I came to a startling realisation: despite being heavily involved in the warhammer community, writing for Goonhammer and spending most of my time talking to other wargaming nerds on the internet, I didn’t actually...