
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Shank and Wrot Model Review

Journeying back to Middle Earth, Thundercloud reviews the Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers (and Snow Troll) released alongside the Battle For Edoras boxed game.

Games Industry News Roundup- August 13th, 2024

Here at Goonhammer, we know that it’s hard to keep track of all the news happening all the time in the games industry. So much is always going on with games of all sorts, and their related media, it...

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Rumil & Orophin Showcase

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing a preview of these models. As we discussed in the recent Middle Earth Preview Roundtable, there are a grip of Elves incoming! Michael has painted up Rumil & Orophin; brothers of Haldir,...

Middle Earth Preview Roundtable, August 2022

While Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game has had pretty consistent support, it's generally been a named captain here or there. This past weekend GW previewed a wealth of releases for the game: a new starter, battleforce boxes, and a...

Where the Wildmen Are: Dunlendings in Middle Earth Strategy Battles Game

Do you generally just hate people who own horses? Are you angry at being forced to live in the mountains and eat nothing but potatoes? Do you generally think Saruman is a pretty swell guy with some great ideas...

There’s something in those Trees: Fangorn in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Do you play Imperial Knights? Do you want your opponents to go ‘wow that’s characterful’ instead of rolling their eyes when you get your models out of the case? Do you want to make no changes to how you...

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Faction Guide: Dead of Dunharrow

The Dead of Dunharrow is a reasonably popular army in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game for a few important reasons: Almost all the models for it are available in plastic (only Riders of the Dead and Warrior with Banner...

Getting Started: Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

This week we're kicking off some semi-regular coverage of Games Workshop's Middle Earth Strategy Battle game, starting this week with an article around how to get started with the game and continuing next week as we look at tactics...

GW Online Preview: a Goonhammer Roundtable

This past Saturday saw the first ever online Warhammer Preview, put together and hosted by various members of the studio and the Warhammer Community team. Previews tend to take place at the various larger conventions held around the world,...