Meta Analysis

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Twisted Firestarters pt.2

Part 2. We're busy. You're busy. Intoductory paragraphs are a nice-to-have. Today Lowest of Men is covering: Krootcon 2024 Mountain View Mayhem 4th Annual 40k Charity Tournament Medhammer GT 2024 Games and Stuff 40K Event Hosted by Away Games Brighton...

Codex Imperial Agents Points Update: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop dropped the stealthiest points update ever, quietly uploading the new points for the upcoming Codex: Imperial Agents to Warhammer-Community last night. If you missed them, you can find the new points here. These points complete the puzzle...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Mayhem in Mechelen pt.3 – WTC Teams

Teams! We love a bit of Teams! The WTC is both one of the largest Team events of the year and kicks off the season where a bunch of smaller (but still very large) Team events fire the world over....

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Mayhem in Mechelen pt.1

It's been another massive week in the 40k world, with the World Team Championships giving us one of the largest annual showcases that the game gets. We're going to start and end with that this week - today and...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Quick on the Draw pt.2

Lowest of Men: I'm currently holed up in a hotel at the World Championships, where ALL the Teams Warhammer is going down. But singles never sleeps, so let's see whats topping the podiums... Wings: He is too modest to put the link...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Quick on the Draw pt.1

It's a chaotic week in Pariah, both because the Dark Gods (and other villainous forces like the Drukhari) are having a great time of it, and because there's a weirdly high number of draws on high tables. Lots of...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Night of the Living Deathwing pt.2

Will there be fewer Dark Angels this time? No, no there won't. Greg is hooting and hollering just off screen. Anyway, we have had some regretable technical issues that have prevented Lowest of Men from accessing the juicy, juicy content, so...

August 2024 40K Errata & FAQ Updates – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s Hot Take Thursday. You know what that means. It could mean a lot of things, we suppose - today it means that Games Workshop have just pushed out some updates to the 40K Tournament Companion and Rules Commentary, plus...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Open for Business pt.1

After last week's Sheffield Supermajor, this time it's the turn of the United States to give us a big Pariah Showcase. The weekend saw both the first US Open of the new season in Tacoma and the Lone Star Open,...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Powers Up pt.2

Part 2, and plenty more healthy variety to consider - we've even got an AdMech showdown that isn't Skitarii Hunter Cohort. Wonders may never cease. It's Lowest of Men in charge today, covering: TGX Warhammer 40,000 Event I Gt Ciudad de Avila ...