Meta Analysis

Competitive Innovations in Kill Team: December 2021

It's been two months since Games Workshop released a host of updates for Kill Team in their October FAQs, correcting a number of issues with the Compendium teams and making a massive change to Custodes designed to curb the...

The October 2021 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! We have returned following a massive list of new tournaments, energized with ALL SORTS OF NEW DATA, mostly concerning the newer faction releases - Orks, Grey Knights, and Thousand Sons. This month we’ll be spending...

The September 2021 Kill Team Meta Review

We've done a lot of analysis of the 40k and Age of Sigmar metas over the last few months, looking at faction win rates and identifying which lists are doing well in the meta. Well today we're extending that...

The August 2021 Age of Sigmar Meta Review

Welcome, Dear Reader, to our first Age of Sigmar meta review! We do these on a regular basis for 40k but similar to Competitive Innovations, will be doing these reviews of the AoS meta as well on a semi-regular...

The August 2021 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! We’re back after another month that saw the (semi) release of Codex: Orks and a large number of big tournaments, and we’ve got a ton of data to look at as we head into September....

The July 2021 Warhammer 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! It's been a little over a month since our last analysis talking about the impact of Drukhari and the potential future of the meta. Since then we've had a number of major changes to Warhammer...

May 40k Meta Review Addendum – Odds and Ends

Welcome back, dear reader! We mentioned in last week's review that we had a few additional notes about the meta to talk about this week so we’re back with those notes and a few explanations and write-ups about our...

The May 2021 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! It’s been a little over a month since our last update and while the Games Workshop release schedule has certainly slowed, we’ve got some massive changes to talk about. You may have seen our round...

Going Fast and Breaking Things: Are Drukhari Too Good?

This past weekend saw fair weather and a slew of new US 40k Grand Tournaments, kicking off both our biggest weekend of tournament action in months and the first big weekend of events using the new Codex: Drukhari. While...

The March 2021 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! It’s been a little over a month since our last update and while there haven’t been any new codexes, there’s been plenty of time to evaluate some of the more recent changes and their impact...