Meta Analysis

Going Fast and Breaking Things: Are Drukhari Too Good?

This past weekend saw fair weather and a slew of new US 40k Grand Tournaments, kicking off both our biggest weekend of tournament action in months and the first big weekend of events using the new Codex: Drukhari. While...

The March 2021 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! It’s been a little over a month since our last update and while there haven’t been any new codexes, there’s been plenty of time to evaluate some of the more recent changes and their impact...

The February 2021 40k Meta Review

Welcome back, dear reader! It’s been nearly two months since our last update and while we’re a bit delayed from a monthly schedule, release delays and a lack of events meant relatively few shifts over the last month. However,...

The December 2020 Meta Review

Each month, we take a look back at the month that was, looking at gaming data and trends from the past month to identify how 40k is changing and how it affects the way armies play on the table....

The October 2020 40k Meta Review

We’re now a full two months into 40k’s 9th edition and contrary to our initial notions that the meta might have settled by now, it seems that the field is still in flux as players explore new builds for...

Goonhammer Round Table: The 9th Edition Meta Analysis

We recently published a detailed analysis of the 9th edition meta and the potential impacts of going first, terrain, and round on player outcomes - if you missed it click here to give it a read. Today our Goonhammer...

Go First and Prosper: Looking at the 9th Edition Meta

The introduction of 9th edition has generated a lot of excitement and intrigue, much of which is represented in our Faction Focus article series. Additionally, we've discussed what we believe to be the competitive implications for both the new...

Competitive Innovations in 9th Edition – an Early Look at Winning Lists

After a long hiatus, the tournament scene is tentatively starting up again. Majors in many countries are still likely to be out of the picture for the forseeable future, but local COVID restrictions and regulations have advanced to the...

9th Edition Competitive Roundtable: The Try-Hard Perspective

With the release of the 9th edition core rules we have asked some of our try-hard tournament-goers to wade into the conversation and comment on how the changes may impact the competitive game and how the meta will adjust...

Three Cool Lists from the Fargo Two Rivers Open GT

Welcome back list review fans. James "One_Wing" Grover isn't the only one that can do these (though he's almost certainly better at it). Now that we're finally getting into the full swing of the 2020 ITC season, it's time...