
BattleTech Mech Overview: Marauder

A classic heavy mech that vanished for a while in Battletech legal drama, we're taking a look at all 38 Marauder variants this week.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Stinger

I brought my Stinger to an easy stop, crouching amongst the towering trunks of Herotitus’ wandering forests as the rest of my lance fell in and did the same a good way back. The old ‘mech’s systems were happy,...

Battletech Mech Overview: Cyclops

In the Battletech computer game, the Cyclops provides an incredibly powerful initiative boost. Is it as effective on the tabletop?

BattleTech: Mech Overview Dragon/Grand Dragon

The Dragon is one of the iconic mechs of the Draconis Combine, and has an appearance that really screams "Do-everything dork mech". Find out if it really does in this Mech Overview.

Battletech Mech Overview: Sagittaire

The Sagittaire is an assault mech from the airplane on legs design family, though perhaps after eating a little too much Halloween candy. Check out this weeks Mech Overview.

Goonhammer Mech Overview: Panther

Is it a mech? Is it a cat? Does Peri love it? This Mech Overview covers the Panther.

BattleTech: Mech Overview: Victor

This Mech Overview takes a look at the Victor, a jumping assault mech with a big gun.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Exterminator

This week our Battletech Mech Overview is taking a look at the Exterminator, a mech that certainly does have stats and variants.

Battletech Mech Overview: Thug

The Thug, as its name implies, is a remarkably straightforward bruiser: point guns at enemy, walk forward. Today's 'Mech Overview looks at the different variants.

Battletech Mech Overview: Sentinel

One of the less popular mechs from the Comstar Command Level II pack, the Sentinel is a medium weight skirmisher. This weeks Mech Overview is taking a look at the different variants.