
Games Industry News Roundup- January 9th, 2024

2024 is still fresh, which means folks out there are still doing two things they’ll later drop in a few weeks. First is writing 2023 on the end of most dates. Second is clinging to idyllic New Years resolutions. Maybe...

Mantic Games announces new Halo tabletop game

Today Mantic Announced they're working a new Halo tabletop miniatures game, due for a direct retail release in September, 2024. Mantic have teamed up with 343 Industries to bring what they've claimed will be an incredibly authentic way to...

An Interview with Piotr Nowak, champion of the largest Kings of War tournament ever

G'day Goonhammer readers! Clash of Kings UK was the largest Kings of War tournament in the history of the game, boasting almost 150 attendees. We were lucky enough to put forward some pertinent questions to Piotr Nowak, who went...

Kings of War: Twilight Kin Army List Review

G’day Goonhammer readers, and welcome to our Twilight Kin army review! We already passed snap judgement on the model range, looking at what images were available to us and providing our unqualified opinion. Now we bring our amateur percipience...

Kings of War: Twilight Kin Range Review

G’day Goonhammer readers! Last year the Twilight Kin left Kings of War, an army that had no official models. They were introduced to Kings of War originally as an army list for Dark Elves, giving people a place to...

A History of Miniature Violence: Interview with Mantic’s Ronnie Renton

I was lucky enough to sit down with Mantic CEO and Founder Ronnie Renton for a chat on all things Mantic, Games Workshop and, especially, Kings of War. This is Part One of the interview - and this part...

Kings of War: Urr and Cytoplasm do battle at ConVic 2023, Part 1

G’day Goonhammer readers! We had the pleasure of participating in our local two-day Kings of War tournament event, ConVic 2023, and we can already say it was a great time. Urr took his Aztec-theme Varangur, and Cytoplasm his Mantic...

Kings of War: The Art of Multibasing

G’day, Goonhammer readers! We want to talk about one very particular aspect of the Kings of War hobby that is truly unique; the art of multibasing. We hope by the end of this article, the multibasing-averse gamer will be...

Kings of War: 3D Printing from the Mantic Vault!

G’day Goonhammer readers! We’re excited to cover what is probably the biggest advancement in miniature wargaming thus far; the first digital release of 3D-printable miniatures by a prominent miniature wargaming company in the form of the Mantic Vault. Find...

Top Five Mechs in Kings of War

G’day Goonhammer readers! Here at Goonhammer we are talking all things Mechs and Kings of War has its fair share of mechanical monstrosities. They range from vast lumbering weapons platforms that plough through enemy infantry, to snug battlesuits that...