mantic games

Goonhammer Hot Takes: Mantic Summer Preview

Greetings Kings of War fans! This Saturday the 26th of June, Mantic dropped their summer preview. We got to see new models and rules for Kings of War and Armada (naval combat in the Kings of War world), as...

Kings of War Faction Introduction: The Evil

Welcome back to our coverage of Kings of War. In last week’s article we talked about the Neutral factions of the game. If you missed it, consider checking it out here. Our introduction to the Good factions, published two...

Kings of War Factions Introduction: The Neutral

Welcome back to our coverage of Kings of War. In last week’s article we talked about the Good factions of the game. If you missed it, consider checking it out here. This is the second of three articles introducing the...

Kings of War Factions Introduction: The Good

Welcome back to our coverage of Kings of War. In last week's intro, we talked about what kind of a game Kings of War is and why you should play it. If you missed it, consider checking it out...

Getting Started: Kings of War – What is it and Why You Should Play

Are you an old player of Warhammer Fantasy that didn’t burn your models with the introduction of Age of Sigmar? Do you look at your hours spent playing the Warhammer: Total War games and wish you could recreate its...

Miniature Review: Veermyn Tunneller

In our Miniature Review series, we look at the wide world of tiny soldiers for cool stuff to share with all of you.This week, Liam is reviewing the Veermyn Tunneller from Mantic Games. Disclaimer: The miniature in this review was...

Miniature Review: Mantic Games Giant

In today's Miniature Review Lupe looks at the Mantic Games Giant, one of the cheapest giant miniatures on the market, to see if it holds up to the competition.