
Malifaux Burns Part 7: The Ten Thunders

The Ten Thunders thrive on chaos.  They're opportunists, always looking for an edge that they can leverage against the more established factions, and it's possible that the Burning Man is just that edge.  Of course, he's not the kind...

Malifaux Burns Part 6: The Bayou

Gremlins don't care much for human business.  Humans are always up to some sort of foolishness.  Fiery hombre fluttering around in the sky?  Sounds like a human to me.  The Bayou is cool and wet, so you'd think that...

Malifaux Hot Take: Gaining Grounds 3

Surprise! Rise and Grind, Let's Gain That Ground Gaining Grounds is Malifaux's equivalent to War Zone: Whatever - a tournament pack with missions, objectives and rules tweaks for competitive play.  Wyrd updates Gaining Grounds annually; typically it launches in spring alongside...

Malifaux Burns Part 5: The Outcasts

The Burning Man's presence has affected everyone, even the Outcasts.  Many of them are caught up in their own private dramas, but Fate has plans for them all, and the arrival of the former Governor-General has thrown those plans...

Malifaux Burns Part 4: The Neverborn

When the Burning Man crossed the sky of Malifaux like a comet, bringing madness in his wake, the Neverborn looked up and said: what human nonsense is this? Really, it's just proof of what they've been saying this whole time. ...

Malifaux Burns, Part 3: The Arcanists

The Arcanists never really liked the Governor-General.  He sabotaged their strikes, threw their ringleaders in prison, sicced his Guards on them, and was generally the kind of boorish creep who these days would be shitposting on Twitter and being...

Malifaux Burns, Part 2: The Resurrectionists

Today we're going to be seeing how everyone's favorite gang of puckish, mass-murdering scamps is handling Malifaux's outbreak of mind-melting insanity.  Spoiler alert: not well!  You'd think Resurrectionists thrive on chaos, but they've already got an otherworldly patron, the the Burning...

Malifaux Burns, Part 1: The Guild

Malifaux Burns: An Introduction Remember the Governor-General?  Well, he's back!  In immolated form! Last September, at Gen Con, Wyrd released the first full expansion book for Third Edition: Malifaux Burns!  This svelte little book included more than 80 new models, including...

Francois, We Hardly Knew Ye: Malifaux Errata In The Year of Our Lord 2022

It's that time of year again.  Birds are chirping, crocuses are popping out of the ground, and Wyrd has taken out its Balance Hatchet and made some, uh, "adjustments." This is an annual ritual, usually accompanying the new Gaining Grounds...

How to Gain Grounds and Influence People

Welcome back, Mali-folks!  It turns out I did not instantly die upon completing the Faction Focus series, and since I'm still here, I figured I might as well provide you with some more Mal-content.  So today we're going to...