
Madness of Malifaux Part 7: Odds and Ends

What a long, strange trip it's been!  We've been from the Bayou's seashore to the middle of the Guild enclave, from the burning desert to the Hushed Copse, and from the mysterious Library of All Things to wherever Damian...

Madness of Malifaux Part 6: Tiri and the Bygone Keyword

Hello again, Mali-folks!  We've been plowing our way through Madness of Malifaux... so far we've covered Harold Tull and the Cavalier keyword, Damian Ravencroft and the Witness keyword, Kastore and the Returned keyword, the Clampetts and the Angler keyword...

Announcing: The Danger Planet + Defective Dice Narrative Malifaux League!

Howdy folks!  We have something really special to kick off Danger Planet's membership in the Goonhammer Media Network.  We're launching a global, narrative Malifaux League, complete with achievements for all 60 masters and their titles, a map to fight over,...

Madness of Malifaux Part 5: Linh Ly and the Red Library and Story Keywords

Welcome back, Mali-folks!  So far in my Madness of Malifaux reviews, I’ve covered the Guild’s Harold Tull and his Cavaliers, the Arcanists’ Damian Ravencroft and the followers of Witness, the Neverborn/Resurrectionist Master Kastore and his Returned, and in an exclusive preview column,...

Madness of Malifaux Part 4.5: The Clampetts and the Angler Keyword… Again

Hello again, Mali-folks!  So far in my Madness of Malifaux reviews, I've covered the Guild's Harold Tull and his Cavaliers, the Arcanists' Damian Ravencroft and the followers of Witness, the Neverborn/Resurrectionist Master Kastore and his Returned, and in an...

Madness of Malifaux Part 4: Kastore and the Returned Keyword

Welcome back, Mali-folks!  This is Part 4 in our Madness of Malifaux keyword review.  We've already covered Damian Ravencroft and the Witness keyword, the Clampetts and the Angler keyword (sort of - we'll be coming back to those guys),...

Madness of Malifaux Part… 3? Harold Tull and the Cavalier Keyword

Running to the window, he opened it, and put out his head. No fog, no mist; clear, bright, jovial, stirring, cold; cold, piping for the blood to dance to; Golden sun-light; Heavenly sky; sweet fresh air; merry bells. Oh,...

The Other Side – Why Should Malifaux Have All the Fun?

Another week, another Madness of Malifaux book not in my mailbox.  The good news is it should ship to me this week, so the very next column will hopefully be the very first look at the full book! In the meantime,...

Who Invited These Guys: Malifaux’s Dead Man’s Hand

Hello again, Mali-folks!  Both I and Wyrd thought that Madness of Malifaux was going to be out by now, but with it delayed for a couple more weeks at least, I'm a bit at loose ends.  Rather than start...

Malifaux Is Really Hard: How To Stop Losing So Bad

Hey, folks! After a short break, I'm back. I was debating tackling the other Madness of Malifaux crew spoilers - for those who aren't aware, we've now seen Kastore and the Returned keyword, Linh Ly and the Red Library/Story...