
Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 5: The Neverborn

We've seen the Arcanists and their nemesis, the Guild; we've visited the high society of the Explorers and the depths of the Bayou.  Time to venture into the wilds and see what Ashes of Malifaux has brought the Neverborn. Crookskins Mimics...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 4: The Guild

Welcome to the Guild Enclave, where Governor-General Marlow has his hands full.  The previous incumbent is still soaring around out there as the Burning Man, and while Fate gathers its pawns, the Guild tries desperately to maintain order.  We've...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 3: The Explorer’s Society

We've climbed the Ten Peaks and descended into the Bayou.  Now, time to visit the most hostile, desolate territory of all: a rich lady's house.  That's right - it's time for the Explorer's Society review. Ahool Earthside, legends tell of the...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 2: The Bayou

Our tour of Ashes continues with a visit to the Bayou.  Last time we visited the soaring Ten Peaks and met the new Arcanists; this time, we're going down to the swamp and rooting around in the muck. Barrelby In addition...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 1: The Arcanists

It's finally here! At time of writing, Ashes of Malifaux has been out in the wild for approximately a week, and we're just starting to come to grips with how the meta has changed. We've seen quite a few...

I’m Going to Become the Joker: Malifaux at Captaincon 2024 (Part 1)

Hello, Mali-folks! It's been a minute since I did one of these, but I'm back!  Captaincon 2024 was my first big wargaming con since, well, Captaincon 2023, and tournament organizer Jesse Ellis didn't disappoint.  The Malifaux Content Creator's Invitational returned...

Malifaux Tournament Report: Is That a Soulstone in Your Stocking or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

  Hello, Mali-folks! It's been a minute since I last favored you with my wit and wisdom, but never fear; today, we will be taking a break from our regularly scheduled sharing of my objectively correct opinions to instead talk...

Rise and Grind, Let’s Gain that Ground: Malifaux’s Gaining Grounds 4

It's that time again! No sooner had the meta settled from the recent round of nerfs than Wyrd decided to shake things up again, like a small child with a snowglobe, or maybe my son with literally anything that fits...

Malifaux: Get Yer Bro, It’s a Big Hat Rework!

Howdy, y'all!  Last week, Wyrd graced us with an unexpected surprise: a full rework of the Big Hat keyword!  Let's take a look at what's changed with the Bayou's biggest, orneriest, hootenanny-throwing-est family, the Joneses! Note: In the time since...

Ashes of Malifaux: Preview Season: NoVa Panel: Elite Strike Force: Justice Division

Hello Mali-folks!  Fresh off our recent look at two starter box henchmen and a robot, Wyrd opened its treasure chest to reveal a thick and enticing booty.  That's right... more spoilers! NoVa this year hosted the Malifaux Masters event as...