
Commander Focus: Kenrith, death by taxes

Credit: Kieran Yanner, Wizards of the Coast Kenrith, the Returned King is just sort of generically good. He's a 5/5 for 5, which isn't an amazing stat block, but his 5 activated abilities are flexible, powerful and useful. Additionally his cmc...

Commander Legends Review, Part 7 of 7: Artifact and Colorless, Decks, and Wrap-Up

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

Commander Legends Review, Part 5 of 7: Red

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

Commander Legends Review, Part 4 of 7: Black

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

Commander Legends Review, Part 3 of 7: Blue

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

Commander Legends review, Part 2 of 7: White

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

Commander Legends Review, Part 1 of 7: Multicolored

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

Commander Legends Review, Part 6 of 7: Green

With Commander Legends releasing, the format is about to see a shakeup arguably bigger than any in its relatively short history. This week, Phillip York and FromTheShire are doing a card-by-card review of the new set and what the...

28 Turns Later – Zombie Tribal Commander

Halloween is past us but that doesn't mean we can't still talk about the walking dead. So it’s time to raise some moldering old corpses from the grave with a Zombie tribal deck! Are you picturing a sweet mono...

Commander Focus: Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder – A cascading cascade of cascades

In Commander Focus, we look at building around different Legendary creatures each week for the Commander format. This week we're looking at Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder. Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder comes out of a cycle of commanders from 2016, each possessed of...