
Picking Winners and Losers for Modern from Modern Horizons 2

We're expanding our set review coverage this week with C-Euro taking a look at winners and losers for the Modern format from the new Modern Horizons 2 set. Modern Horizons 2 is Magic: the Gathering’s second foray into printing new...

A Review of Magic’s Modern Horizons 2, timeshifted, but not: WUBRG

Modern Horizons 2 is the newest expansion for Magic: the Gathering. A continuation of 2019's original Modern Horizons set, this new set includes a mix of reprints from older sets and all new cards designed to be played in...

Commander 101: Winning a Negative-Sum Game

In this week's Commander Focus we're kicking off a limited multi-part series on the basics and core principles behind Magic's Commander format. Each week we'll cover a different key element and dive into the dynamics behind it and how...

Commander Focus: Roon-D.M.C. (of the Hidden Realm)

Credit: Steve Prescott, Wizards of the Coast This week I'm returning to what most would consider an old deck, way back to Commander 2013. Enter the battlefield effects are one of Commander players' favorite things to play - which is...

Commander Focus: Hofri Spirit Tribal

Credit: Daarken, Wizards of the Coast With the release of Strixhaven, Boros (or Lorehold) received a unique, fun new look for the colors with Hofri Ghostforge, who gave us a cool way to recur powerful creatures like Sun Titan and...

Conquest Focus: Let me Extus you a question

Credit: Chase Stone, Wizards of the Coast Extus, Oriq Overlord is a pretty cool Commander option with a lot of flexibility in how you build around him. You can do an aristocrats-style sacrifice deck, focusing on sacrificing either cheap creatures...

A Review of Magic: The Gathering’s Strixhaven Expansion, Part 4 of 4: Commander 2021

With the imminent release of the new Strixhaven set, B Phillip York and FromTheShire are evaluating the first years as they make their way into the academy. Note that as our typical coverage is focused on Commander, we'll be...

A Review of Magic: The Gathering’s Strixhaven Expansion, Part 3 of 4: Multicolor and Colorless

With the imminent release of the new Strixhaven set, Phillip York and FromTheShire are evaluating the first years as they make their way into the academy. Note that as our typical coverage is focused on Commander, we'll be primarily...

A Review of Magic: The Gathering’s Strixhaven Expansion, Part 2 of 4: WUBRG

With the imminent release of the new Strixhaven set, B Phillip York and FromTheShire are evaluating the first years as they make their way into the academy. Note that as our typical coverage is focused on Commander, we'll be...

A Review of Magic: the Gathering’s Strixhaven Expansion, Part 1 of 4: The Mechanics

With the imminent release of the new Strixhaven set, we're evaluating the first years as they make their way into the academy. And also the set's cards, we guess. In this article - the first of four in our...