One Wing’s Tournament Report – The 2020 Las Vegas Open

The Las Vegas open happened, and as always I'm bringing you a report of how my games went. I'm not going to go deep on wider LVO experiences and thoughts as we're doing a roundtable post from all of...

Meta Analysis: Age of Sigmar: CanCon and LVO Part 1

While I will not be attending LVO this year (look for me at Adepticon and Nova), I could not help but look and see what the field looks like right now. With two of the year's largest Age of...

Letters From LVO: Day 0

In this series, the Goonhammer authors currently attending LVO write about their experiences at the event, cataloging each day's games, trials, tribulations, and victories. Join us as we take the journey with them. James "Boon" Kelling My dearest Goons, I have the...

Goonhammer’s Last-Minute Guide to the LVO 2020 40k Open

Well readers, the time has finally come - LVO is upon us. And whether you're attending in person this year, making your last-minute preparations, or just planning to follow along at home on stream, we at the Goonhammer gang...

Las Vegas Open – Field Analysis and Three Cool Lists

You didn’t think we’d skip out on this did you? Starting this Friday is the Las Vegas open, the largest event of the 40K year and (in this instance) likely to be the largest 40K event ever run. I’m writing...

Kill Team Tactics: Las Vegas Open

The Las Vegas Open is quickly approaching and with it, the 2020 Kill Team Championships. This year the event is bringing us an entirely new Kill Team format, and I have a sneak peek of the rules. So today...

The Road to LVO: A Boon Tale Part 2 – Indecision and [Primed] Plastic

Testing the List In the first part of my road to LVO I brainstormed a new list and tested in just a single game. This week I'm continuing as I played an RTT over the weekend hosted by Flying Phoenix...

The Road to LVO: A Boon Tale, Part 1

If there's a major Warhammer 40k tournament coming up, you can bet that at least one of the Goonhammer crew will be there. In our "Road to..." series, we track hobby progress, plans, goals, and finally the event itself...