Leagues of Votann

Unboxing Kill Team Termination: Box Contents, Models, and Terrain Review

The Hernkyn Yaegirs take on the Genestealer Brood Brothers in Kill Team:Nightmare. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an advanced copy for review. Our Kill Team: Termination coverage: Kill Team: Termination Unboxing (this article) Kill Team: Nightmare - Hernkyn Yaegirs Review Kill...

Leagues of Votann – The Hernkyn Yaegirs Hot Take

Ahead of the release of Kill Team: Termination - which goes up for Pre-order this Saturday - Games Workshop have released an updated datasheet for the new Hernkyn Yaegirs unit for Warhammer 40,000. In this Hot Take we’re talking about the new unit, its rules, and how it fits into the Leagues of Votann army.

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Always Be Charging pt.1

The Dataslate has had time to sink in, and as well as re-shuffling the factions it's brought a wider meta shift. Crunch meta is (mostly) OUT and melee meta is IN. Between Space Wolves, Orks, World Eaters and Blood...

Start Competing: Leagues of Votann Tactics

Start Competing: Leagues of Votann Tactics The Votann are the newest range in Warhammer 40,000, released in late 9th edition. Dwarfs in Space is not a new concept for 40k, with the Squats featuring back in the earliest version of...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Good Guard pt.2

Welcome back to part two of this week's Competitive Innovations. The astute among you may have noticed that this is a day later than usual, and that's because our team were hard at work on preparing our dataslate reviews...

The Q2 2024 Warhammer 40K Balance Update – Xenos

After nearly three months, it’s time for another quarterly update for Warhammer 40,000 and this time it’s just points. Today’s points update gives us updated points for every faction in the game, though as usual some have been touched...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Five Alarm Phaerons pt.1

Well, I enjoyed my quiet week, but the community's hunger for 40K was never going to abate for long, and we've snapped straight to another three part column to cover this week's events. These will be coming out today, tomorrow and Friday. Anything interesting...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Meta Adepts pt.1

Big events all over the shop this week, with blockbusters in each of the US, UK and Europe. The metagame continues to shift week-to-week - Necrons are definitely stalwarts right now, but this week the T'au are on the...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Imperium Strikes Back pt.1

TheChirurgeon: Welcome back to another week of Competitive Innovations, where we recap the weekend’s GTs and Majors, talk about the matchups, and analyze the top lists. Normally you’d see James “One_Wing” Grover in this space talking about events, but...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Chewing the Scenery pt.1

It's a particularly nefarious week out there. The Necrons, an entire culture built around emulating Starscream, re-assert their dominance after a mild wobble, and the World Eaters blast to some top finishes, shaking off whatever shackles the (fairly substantial)...