las vegas open

The Las Vegas Open 2023 Competitive Kill Team Preview

The 2023 Las Vegas Open is coming in hot with 7 rounds and 100 attendees! Some of killteam’s biggest and brightest stars are in attendance, with the #2 worldwide spot up for grabs for a select few. We’ve got...

The 2023 Las Vegas Open – Where to Find Coverage

Frontline Gaming's Annual Las Vegas Open (LVO) marks the end of the ITC season, finishing things off with the largest tournaments in the world for a large number of game systems. This year promises to be the largest LVO...

The Road to LVO: The Post-LVO Goonhammer Roundtable

With another LVO behind us, we thought we’d take a moment to sit down with the Goonhammer authors who attended and get their feedback on the event. UPDATE: Reece Robbins left a thoughtful comment in the comments after the article addressing...