
Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: There Must be Something in the Water

This week is drunk as fuck, with three events that have a mix of surprising armies finding success, proven armies making unusual and surprising list construction choices, and in general serving as a reminder that sometimes players just embrace...

Dadhammering Through the Mortal Realms 2023 – Part 1

I'm inviting the Goonhammer community to follow along my two mini goals in 2023: Play in every game store in the state of Georgia - estimated to be around 30-35 from Bainbridge to Augusta and Dalton to St. Marys. ...

Cruel Times Won’t Last But Kruleboyz Will

Kruleboyz are the latest faction to be released for Age of Sigmar. The Dominion box set included 39 new models and a copy is likely still lying around your friendly local game store. The secondary market is also flush...

Faction Focus: Orruk Warclans

Overview Orruks - or Orks as they were called in The World That Was - are green skinned beastial humanoids who's only pleasure is in fighting and more fighting. If you know Warhammer you probably know who these guys are,...

Taking Dominion to 2k: Orruk Warclans (Kruleboyz)

So, Age of Sigmar 3rd edition happened and you bought Dominion. Or you split Dominion. Or you bought half of it off some site somewhere. However you got it, you now have a collection that’s not quite an army...

Battletome Orruk Warclans: The Path to Glory Rules Review

The new Battleomes for Age of Sigmar third edition don't just come with matched play rules; similar to Crusade in Warhammer 40k, each battletome for Age of Sigmar now also comes with faction-specific Path to Glory rules. We reviewed...

How to Paint Everything: The Kruleboyz in Age of Sigmar Dominion

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. With the recent release of the Dominion boxed...

Dominion Warscroll Reviews: Kruleboyz

We're once again joined by Peter of Plastic Craic, this time helping out with coverage of Age of Sigmar, a game he's more known for covering. In today's article, he's reviewing the new Kruleboyz Warscrolls from the Dominion boxed...