
Goonhammer Reviews: Kill Team Into the Dark and the 2022 Kill Team Annual

This weekend we get a massive dose of Kill Team goodness, as preorders go live for two major Kill Team releases: The 2022 Kill Team Annual, which has rules for all of the teams published in White Dwarf over the past...

Attack of the Bird-Men: Cadre Mercenary (Kroot) Kill Team Tactics

When Kill Team 2.0 was initially announced I was incredibly excited for it. I had been a big fan of 1.0 and was eagerly looking forward to an improved version of it. Unfortunately this eagerness turned to disappointment as...

Kill Team Compendium Review, Part 3: Xenos Teams and Final Thoughts

OK two parts down, one to go. We split our review of the compendium into three parts to make it a bit easier to tackle from a reading (and writing perspective). In this third and final part we'll be...

Kill Team Annual Review, Part 3: Xenos Factions

Hello again and welcome back again, readers! If you're just joining us, this is part 3 of our Kill Team Annual review. We started by covering the core content and new stuff for the Chaos factions (check that out...

Tournament Analysis – Alliance Open & Element Grand Slam

Welcome back readers. This week we're going to do something a little different. Over the last two weeks I've written previews for two ITC majors happening in Europe, the Alliance Open and the Element Games Grand Slam (Eggs). Normally after...