An interview Keith Maki Lee: the first Clash of Kings Asia champion

G'day Goonhammer readers! In mid-January, Clash of Kings Asia was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was the first major "Clash of Kings style" event to be held in the region, attracting players from across Malaysia and Singapore. Bringing...

Conquest: Post-Cancon Interviews

Cancon is Australia's premier wargaming event, where hundreds of players from all over the country cram themselves shoulder to jowl into a barely airconditioned tin shed in temperatures that range from 30C to 40C. That is to say two...

Kings of War: The Road to Clash of Kings Australia 2024

G’day Goonhammer readers! We’re at the start of the year and once again it’s almost time for Clash of Kings Australia. For those not in the know, Clash of Kings is Australia’s biggest Kings of War event, held in...

An Interview with Stephen Devenish; the Australian Kings of War Masters Champion

G'day Goonhammer readers! The Australian Kings of War Masters concluded a few weeks ago, and by all accounts it was a tight competition. Tough army lists coupled with some of the best players in the country, everyone thought they...

Standards, Spellcasters and Spears in Kings of War Clash of Kings 2024

G’day Goonhammer readers! It’s that time of year, the silly season, when the Clash of Kings updates are released. Whole new army lists will emerge over the next few months, and not without reason; this is the biggest update...

Kings of War: Twilight Kin Army List Review

G’day Goonhammer readers, and welcome to our Twilight Kin army review! We already passed snap judgement on the model range, looking at what images were available to us and providing our unqualified opinion. Now we bring our amateur percipience...

Kings of War: Twilight Kin Range Review

G’day Goonhammer readers! Last year the Twilight Kin left Kings of War, an army that had no official models. They were introduced to Kings of War originally as an army list for Dark Elves, giving people a place to...

A History of Miniature Violence: Interview with Mantic’s Ronnie Renton

I was lucky enough to sit down with Mantic CEO and Founder Ronnie Renton for a chat on all things Mantic, Games Workshop and, especially, Kings of War. This is Part One of the interview - and this part...

Kings of War: Urr and Cytoplasm do battle at ConVic 2023, Part 1

G’day Goonhammer readers! We had the pleasure of participating in our local two-day Kings of War tournament event, ConVic 2023, and we can already say it was a great time. Urr took his Aztec-theme Varangur, and Cytoplasm his Mantic...

Kings of War: The Art of Multibasing

G’day, Goonhammer readers! We want to talk about one very particular aspect of the Kings of War hobby that is truly unique; the art of multibasing. We hope by the end of this article, the multibasing-averse gamer will be...