
The Big FAQ 3 and You

The Big FAQ 3 And You Making the Most of the Changes   It's finally here! After almost a month of interminable waiting, Slaanesh announcements, and surveys, Games Workshop finally delivered its third major FAQ/Errata for Warhammer 40,000 and man did they...

Tournament report: Corrode at Autumn Tides of War

On Sunday I attended my local shop's quarterly one-day event, Tides of War, along with Artum and One_Wing. The venue is the excellent Bristol Independent Gaming, and the format is 1500pts with 3 games, played using the Maelstrom missions...

Hobby Log: Slaughterknight, Part 2

Part 1 is here I'm back with part 2 of the conversion work on my second Chaos Knight. The goal is to finish this bad boy before October 6th, so it was time to get cracking. After looking at the...

Hobby Log: The Slaughterknight

Even I'm not immune to the knights bug. While I already have one Chaos Knight and a pair of Helverins I converted, I split the Renegade box set with a friend right after the re-release and have been wanting...