
How to Paint Everything – The Old World Bretonnia Knights of the Realm

Today BananaLee goes over how to paint a Bretonnian Knight of the Realm from The Old World in How to Paint Everything.

Heraldry and You – A Quick Guide to Choosing a Colour Scheme for Bretonnia in the Old World

In this article we’re looking at how to select an appropriate colour scheme for your Bretonnian army, considerations and other fun discussions on heraldry from a real-world, lore, or just "I want something pretty" perspective.  Let's be straight up. Bretonnia...

Legions Imperialis: Rise of The Dark Mechanicum – The Goonhammer Review

The new book for Legions Imperialis, The Rise of the Dark Mechanicum, provides a large amount of new content for the game. Most importantly, it adds a whole new faction, or kind of four of them, with the Mechanicum,...

Horus Heresy Faction Focus: Divisio Tactica – Knight Household

EDIT: I forgot about the Traitor Knight Household upgrades. I'll update the article in a few days. The mechanics of Horus Heresy mean that skew lists are always a challenge for fun and balance. It is a consistent issue in...

Hammer of Math: Knight Shields

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the calculus behind when to best utilize certain Stratagems and Enhancements to protect Imperial and Chaos Knights. If Knights have one thing going for them (and usually they have more than that), it's...

The Lore Explainer: Imperial Knights

In The Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and talk about the story behind them and sum up what you need to know and how you can find...

The Goonhammer Review: Cerastus Knight Lancer

The Cerastus Knight Lancer goes up for pre-order today as the newest knight reinforcements for either 40k or Horus Heresy, though the box is branded for Heresy. I'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending over a free preview...

Daemonforged: A Guide to Kitbashing Robots

These other games that aren’t 40k have been having too much fun posting their robits and mechoids without paying homage to the sickest and the coolest battle bots I know; Knights. Knights are a funny thing, it's a huge...

2Q22 Faction Focus: Jack Harpster Talks Imperial Knights

It’s a great time to be a fan of big stompy robots. With the release of the 9th edition codexes for both Chaos and Imperial Knights, mecha lovers both traitorous and loyal are living their best lives. This article...

The Imperial Knights Round-Up

Codex: Imperial Knights is out and if you missed any of our coverage or are interested in starting the army and looking for advice on the new book or where to start, we've got you covered with this round-up...