kings of war tournaments

Rumble in the Ribble: Kings of War Event Report

Stephanie goes a-Rumbling in the Ribble, hoping to defend her Best Varangur crown in an uncommonly packed field!

Tournament Report: It’s War-m Up North – Kings of War

Stephanie Bee reveals whether her prep for War Up North #3 paid off!

Kings of War: Road to ConVic22 Part Four – A painting extravaganza

G’day Goonhammer readers! We’re back with another hobby update as the deadline that is ConVic 2022 draws ever closer. We’ve still got roughly two months to finish everything, and we’re pretending that we won’t end up painting the night...

Kings of War: The Road to ConVic22 Part One

G’day Goonhammer readers! In today’s article we will be discussing the upcoming Australian Kings of War tournament ConVic 2022, and the armies we have in mind. It has been a while since our last update, but things are not...