Kill Team

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Kommandos – Bolder then ever, and not just the colours!

You will have seen my Orks before in either my army showcase or the previous version of my HTPE from a while ago, but my scheme has seen a few revisions since I did that write up so I...

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Totally Loyal Guards

Those of you who have seen our August Hobby Round-up will have noticed that in addition to starting GSC I had a guard sentinel in the same colour scheme, this is essentially the cheat I am doing to say...

The September 2021 Kill Team Meta Review

We've done a lot of analysis of the 40k and Age of Sigmar metas over the last few months, looking at faction win rates and identifying which lists are doing well in the meta. Well today we're extending that...

White Dwarf 468: Hunter Clades – Admech get buff in Kill Team

Kill Team is back, baby! White Dwarf 468 has almost 50 pages of Kill Team content, including an 18-page starter set Krieg vs Orks battle report, 4 pages of designer's notes, ten pages of background on the Adeptus Mechanicus...

How to Paint Everything: Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms’ Ork Kill Team Terrain

We've previously covered how to paint the new Octarius terrain from Kill Team 2021 in our How to Paint Everything article on the topic, but today we're bringing you an extra dose covering Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms' wonderful efforts to assemble...

Swarming Skeletons: A Kill Team Battle Report

It's always a good sign when you walk away from a game wanting to play more of it, and that's just what happened when me and one of my local buddies played our first game of Kill Team a...

Nurgley Bois: Death Guard Tactics in Kill Team

Sometimes, you don't want to overwhelm your opponent with numbers, or with technological superiority, or with clever tactics and skillful deployment. Sometimes, like Rocky Balboa, you just want to show the other guy that no matter how much he's...

Hammer of Math: Boltgun Special Rules in Kill Team 2.0

Primaris Kevin returns with a new Hammer of Math article, this time looking at the impact of different weapon modifiers on weapon output. As one might expect from a game about elite tactical units fighting against one another, there are...

5 Tips for playing your first game of Kill Team 2.0

Kill Team 2.0 is out and it’s an entirely new game, complete with its own rules system and unit statlines. If you missed our review of it, you can find that here. One thing we’re sure of is that...

Kill Team 2.0: The Goonhammer Round Table

Kill Team 2.0 is just around the corner and now that we've had some time to play a few games of the new game we thought we’d take a moment to talk to our Goonhammer review team about the...