Kill Team

Kill Team Tactics: The 2021 Champions Rules Packet

It's an exciting new time for Kill Team: We just had a major release with Pariah Nexus that gave us new marine units and a much-needed update for Necrons. If you missed our coverage of the factions, you can...

Kill Team: Killzones Review

Lost in the shuffle a few weeks ago with the release of Kill Team: Pariah Nexus was the release of Kill Team: Killzones, a stand-alone book/expansion that collects the missions, tactics, and narrative content from six prior Kill Team...

Hammer of Math: Necron Changes in Kill Team

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at some of the changes to the Necrons from the Kill Team Pariah Nexus box and looks at how their new weapons help them take out other kill teams. Kill Team is...

Necron Kill Team Tactics Updated!

With the release of Kill Team: Pariah Nexus we've had our first real change and new rules for Kill Team in over a year and that means it's time to update some of these older faction articles. We already...

Kill Team Tactics: Space Marines / Adeptus Astartes

It's been almost a year and a half since our last Space Marines tactics article for Kill Team and thanks to Pariah Nexus, quite a bit has changed. Marines have the benefit of being the Kill Team faction with...

The Kid’s Table: Pariah Nexus

Oh no, the good writers are busy again, and with all these new models to gawk at! How very dare they leave our readers hanging like this. Guess it’s time for the Kid’s Table to ride once more into...

Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review, Part 3: The Factions and New Datasheets

In addition to new rules and new models, the new Kill Team Pariah Nexus book also lists out rules for more than a dozen models, adding new units and completely updating the Space Marines Kill Team range while doing…...

Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review, Part 2: The Rules

One of the more surprising revelations from the Games Workshop previews in late 2020 was that we’d be seeing a new Kill Team release early this year. After more than a year without new Kill Team content - basically...

Unboxing Kill Team: Pariah Nexus

This weekend Kill Team: Pariah Nexus goes up for pre-order. Games Workshop were kind enough to send us a set, so we're going to dive in and take a look! Later today we'll have a breakdown of the new...

An Interview With Aaron Dembski-Bowden

A quick foreword: I would just like to say my deepest thanks to Edwin Moriarty and James M Hewitt for helping this come together and to Aaron for not only agreeing to be interviewed but writing the level of depth that...