Kill Team

Battlezone Fronteris Terrain: The Goonhammer Review

For several months now we’ve been waiting for the release of GW’s newest terrain set, Battlezone Fronteris, which was first previewed late last year and received rules in the Vigilus Alone campaign supplement. This new boxed set expands on...

The Revenge of Adepticon Part 5 – You Wish You Were There

I have returned from Adepticon and, holy shit, did I have a great time. After 3 years it was great to see so many familiar faces, some I knew by name, many that I didn’t. If you’re not a regular...

Competitive Innovations in Kill Team: Adepticon in Review

Greetings fellow Sam Fishers, TheArmorOfContempt here bringing you my penultimate Adepticon related article for the year. I have one more update that was supposed to precede this, but that article has been pushed back to tomorrow. Specifically, in this...

Clown Tears: Harlequin Void-Dancer Troupe Kill Teams

Every decade theatre produces a musical seen as defining the zeitgeist, whether it’s about a group of entitled drug addicts ruining their friends attempt to get clean and murdering a dog or a young man exploiting the suicide of...

The Revenge of Adepticon Part 3 – Smaller Wars – Necromunda: Dark Uprising and Kill Team Tournament

As I write there are now only three weeks remaining before Adepticon kicks off and my excitement is about to boil over, IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT! Shortly after I declared my painting goals for the convention I...

Kill Team Nachmund: The Narrative Play Review (Terrain/Spec Ops)

Kill Team: Nachmund releases this weekend and if you missed our reviews of the boxed set or either of the two new kill teams - the corsair voidscarred or the traitor legionnaires - you can find them by click...

Kill Team Nachmund Review: The Corsair Voidscarred

Kill Team Nachmund introduces us to two new kill teams. Representing Chaos are the Legionary Kill Team, replacing Chaos Space Marine kill teams, while on the eldar side the Corsair Voidscarred give us our first new Eldar kill team,...

The Revenge of Adepticon – TheArmorOfContempt’s Road to Adepticon, Part 1

The Story So Far... Three long years have passed since the last Adepticon, and in that time, life has likely changed for all of us. While the absence of large events has been a damper on my Warhammer life, none...

The March 2022 Kill Team Balance Dataslate Hot Take

Games Workshop released a new balance dataslate for Kill Team today, giving us some major changes to a number of key factions. This is great news, generally - it indicates that GW are serious about course correcting imbalances in...

Spanish Domination of Kill Team at LVO: An Interview with the Top 8

In addition to the 40k and AoS events, the 2022 Las Vegas Open was also host to a 7-round, 65-player Kill Team event, with four 4 rounds followed by a cut to a top 8 bracket. We’ve previously talked...