Kill Team

The Competitive Events of the GW Open Series Finale

This year Games Workshop continued the competitive play series it began in 2021 with another four major events across the United States, specifically in Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, and Kansas City. If you've been following along, you may have noticed that these have...

The November Kill Team FAQs

Games Workshop dropped a massive update for Kill Team last Friday, giving us FAQs, errata, and commentary for nearly every faction in the game, as well as answering some of our most pressing questions about Gallowdark. We'd had quite...

Pathfinders Kill Team Tactics

Are you really, really into the whole "no I in team" concept? Do you dream of serving the greater good? Do you really want to stay out of melee? Do you want to play with an actually competitive team for the...

The GW Chicago Open Kill Team Tournament: A Report

The Chicago Open concluded two weeks ago and our coverage and recaps of the event are still going! Today TheArmorOfContempt is recapping his efforts to take home the gold in the Kill Team event with his Wyrmblade team. Greetings, fellow...

Kill Team Shadowvaults Boxed Set Review: The Kasrkin, the Terrain, and the Contents

Games Workshop introduced us all to the Gallowdark with the release of Kill Team: Into the Dark last month and they've now continued their stretch of adventures in the depths of space hulks with Kill team: Shadowvaults, a new...

Kill Team Shadowvaults: Necron Hierotek Circles Rules Review

Games Workshop introduced us all to the Gallowdark with the release of Kill Team: Into the Dark last month and they've now continued their stretch of adventures in the depths of space hulks with Kill team: Shadowvaults, a new...

Kill Team ShadowVaults Review: Kasrkin Review

Games Workshop introduced us all to the Gallowdark with the release of Kill Team: Into the Dark last month and they've now continued their stretch of adventures in the depths of space hulks with Kill team: Shadowvaults, a new...

Travis Cheng Recaps His Win in the Kill Team GT at the 2022 GW Open Chicago

The Games Workshop US Open series just concluded its Chicago event this past weekend, and among the events there was a Kill Team GT. We've got TheArmorofContempt's writeup on how his Wyrmblade fared in that event coming next week,...

Kill Team Summer 2022

Back in July we launched the Kill Team Summer challenge to get a Kill Team or a Killzone worth of terrain painted over the summer, to give us something to play with on those cold winter nights. So summer has...

How To Paint Everything: Fronteris Terrain

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint different models, armies, and materials, and different approaches to painting them. In this article, Charlie Brassley teams up with Kevin “Fowler” Fowler to suggest...