Kill Team

Just Another Killteam Podcast Unboxes Nightmare! Join us as your fellow Killteam enthusiasts crack open their very first GW sponsored product! Nightmare's got some excellent sprues for gamers of all sorts, and one of the more interesting stylistic add-ons to Bheta Decima!

Unboxing Kill Team: Nightmare

The Night Lords and Drukhari Mandrakes face off (on a cool playset) in Kill Team: Nightmare. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an advanced copy of the new box for review. Our Kill Team Nightmare Coverage: Kill Team: Nightmare Unboxing...

Kill Team: Nightmare – Drukhari Mandrakes Review

The upcoming Kill Team: Nightmare boxed set brought us two amazing new teams featuring all-new models for older units/factions in the game. The first are the terrifying Night Lords (you can find that review here), while the other are...

Kill Team: Nightmare – Nemesis Claw Review

Greetings readers! TheArmorOfContempt(AoC) and HappyRaccoon(HR) here to give you a review of the Power Armored half of the soon to be released Kill Team: Nightmare box set. The Night Lords have many fans, and despite them being “The Worst”...

JAKTP Episode 59: Thousand Sons March on! Alvaro Talks Warp Coven

Join us for a spellbinding episode of 'Just Another Kill Team Podcast' as we sit down with Alvaro to unravel the mysteries of the Warp Coven. Delve into the dark and twisted tactics of these enigmatic forces as we...

CYRAC: Winners and Losers from the March Balance Dataslate

John from Can You Roll a Crit? returns with a new video covering all the winners and losers from the latest Balance Dataslate for Kill Team. He goes over which factions are now suffering or dominating and how the...

The Q1 2024 Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Coming less than a week from the conclusion of Adepticon, we have in our hands the latest and greatest changes to Kill Team. The end of 2023 saw some massive changes to the game, but even in that short...

Kill Team UTC Weekend Recap and Preview: March 12-18, 2024

Welcome back, Kill Teamers, to our look at the weekly metagame as a whole. We’ve got some extremely unexpected win rates but a mostly-healthy looking metagame. Unfortunately for elites, it seems that Imperial Marines continue their week to week...

The Best Year in Gaming: 2018

We take a deep look into the games of 2018 - a great year for board games! - and talk about why it was the best year in gaming.

Killteam UTC Weekend Recap and Preview: Mar 05-Mar 11, 2024

Welcome back to the weekly metagame update and UTC recap! We’ve got some fast fallers, and some melee dominance as per usual. With our beloved Space Marines remaining down in the 45% win rate, it seems that it remains...