kill team 2.0

Hammer of Math: Kill Team 2.0 Expectations

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the "typical" distribution of wounds dealt by several different units in Kill Team 2.0. When we released our September Meta Review for Kill Team, one thing that immediately stood out was the efficacy...

Ruleshammer Q&A: September 24th 2021 & Thousand Sons Update

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week some updates for Thousand Sons, some Q&A from your submitted questions, and also the first Kill Team question! The Thousand Sons Update Today we're looking at some of the updates from last week's FAQ on Thousand...

Swarming Skeletons: A Kill Team Battle Report

It's always a good sign when you walk away from a game wanting to play more of it, and that's just what happened when me and one of my local buddies played our first game of Kill Team a...

How to Paint Everything: Ork Terrain

The new Kill Team boxed set introduces us to the Octarius Killzone and the Ork settlements that spot its landscape, along with all new Ork terrain. These large heaps of scrap can be daunting to paint so if you're...

Kill Team 2.0: Unboxing

If you've spent any time at all on Warhammer Community or any hobby social media you'll be well aware of the imminent release of Kill Team second edition. It was generally assumed that we would see an update to...