
Start Competing: World Eaters Tactics

Start Competing: World Eaters Tactics The World Eaters are a traitor legion dedicated to the Chaos God Khorne, the god of skulls, blood, and wanton slaughter. Originally one of the first founding legions of space marines, the Death Guard were...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Screens & Spells

Three events to cover this week, let's skip the preamble and dive right in shall we? I have reveals from Atlanta this weekend to daydream and wishlist for. Kruleboyz wave two!? Nah probably not. Gits go to War(fare) 2023 50-player, 5-round...

2023 World Championships AoS Player Profile: Gavin Grigar

The first ever World Championships of Warhammer are this week and we couldn’t be more excited. As part of our event coverage, we’re interviewing competitors from around the world about how they secured an invite, their plans for the event, and...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pumpkin Spice Melee pt.1

Not much of a slowdown from last weekend's massive events - we've got ten events for you this week, including four majors, and some encouraging novelty at the top. Are the Aeldari still here? Obviously, but we've got undefeated...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Hi, My Name is Roy, I’m a Blood Addict

A mix of events using old and new battlescroll rules, with one even using new Cities of Sigmar rules and another the updated Ironjawz rules! I'll note in the opening paragraph for each event (where possible) which set of...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Calm Before the Storm

Four events to cover this week, with a good mix of armies featured and some fun stuff to examine in more detail. I attended the Facehammer GT I'll be covering a little further below, so look forward to that...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Help me Battlescroll, you’re my only hope

Two events to discuss this week, both featuring armies that have been mainstays in Competitive Innovations for weeks, so let's take our medicine, give our blood and pay the blood tithe. Vibes Northern Wastes GT 43-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Prince George,...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Katakros’ Global Campaign

An article stuffed with lists and tournaments this week friends, with a whopping *EIGHT* events from all over the world to surprise us and uhhh, not surprise us. I've taken the liberty of skipping over a few mirror showdowns...

Start Competing: Blades of Khorne

Blades of Khorne are one of the OG’s of Age of Sigmar, first hit the tables in the starter set in 1st Ed and have been on a bit of a rollercoaster. In 3rd Ed, they’re back with a...

Battletome: Blades of Khorne 3.0 – The Goonhammer Review Part 1: The Rules

Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull throne. You know the slogans, but ol' Khorne has been hit by hard times in the Mortal Realms. A 1st edition launch army and one of the earlier books for...