
Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: The Final Countdown

This is it folks, the final week before LVO and the end of the 2023 ITC Season. Since many need the practice, we got 2 smaller events this week. One is the finals of Goonhammer's very own UTC, and...

Dawnbringers: Reign of the Brute – Part 2: Ironjawz

The Reign of the Brute is here, and with it comes a wave of reinforcements for the Ironjawz clan. In this article we will be looking at the warscrolls for these new units. Before we begin, we would like...

Start Competing: Ironjawz Tactics

Overview Strengths Beginner Friendly - While learning the ins and outs of the exact chain of buffs you need to win can take some practice, the army is very easy to understand. Take boys, push forward and clear out. Best...

Faction Focus: Orruk Warclans

Overview Orruks - or Orks as they were called in The World That Was - are green skinned beastial humanoids who's only pleasure is in fighting and more fighting. If you know Warhammer you probably know who these guys are,...

The December 2021 Age of Sigmar Meta Analysis

As we close out the year there’s a lot to reflect on in the competitive Age of Sigmar space. Since the launch of the new edition we’ve had three new Battletomes, five Tomes Celestial (counting the one for Soulblight...

The Tactics Shaman: Tackling Ironjawz

In our Tactics Shaman series, we answer reader questions about tactics and list building for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. If you've got a question you'd like answered, a list you'd like help on, or general advice you're looking for,...

Start Competing: Orruk Warclans

Do you love Orruk warriors clad in heavy armor and slashing through enemies with brutal strength? Do you love orruks clad in very little clothing and using primitive weapons combined with shamanic power? Does the color green seem cool...

Age of Sigmar: Legendary Battalions Update

Games Workshop dropped a little bit of an update today to clarify some confusing information as a consequence of GH2020 rules updates. The Developer's Commentary for General's Handbook 2020 stated that any publications that were not in the most...

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgok’s Krushas Hot Take

After a long hiatus, Warhammer Underworlds is back in business! Like everything, COVID impacted the standard release schedule for this tactical game. However, it's given us time to welcome Zach Caschetta to Goonhammer to give us his thoughts on...

Ironjawz White Dwarf Warscroll Battalions: Analysis & Review

The March issue of White Dwarf brought with it some new rules for Ironjawz players, giving the Ironsunz sub-faction access to three exclusive Warscroll Battalions that help encourage thematic armies that fit the fluff of the sub-faction. Today we’ll...