
An Interview with Para Bellum Founder Stavros Halkias

Welcome back to our series covering Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. If you're new here then check out our first article overviewing what this game is here. Bair and Thanqol sat down this week with Stavros, the mind...

UK Golden Demon 2022 – An Interview with kiesminis on his Golden Demon Debut

October’s Golden Demon held in the UK was special for two reasons: it was the first held in the country for a few years due to the pandemic and marked the 35th anniversary of the competition.  Soggy and Bair were...

“I Run Strictly Jank” – the Mountain Goats’ John Darnielle talks Magic: The Gathering

If I’ve learned anything from The Mountain Goats, it’s that sometimes you just have to go for it, and see what happens. To that end, and in the vein of the skateboarding magazine that landed an interview with Werner...

Kings of War Spotlight: Goonhammer Interviews Bryce Clark

G’day Goonhammer readers! This week we were lucky enough to get a written interview with Bryce Clark, an outstanding Kings of War player who finished third overall for the United States in 2022 in the recent US Masters Event....

Warlord Wednesdays: Interview with Lee Marshall

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Titan Principes. We here at Goonhammer’s own Collegia Titanica know that Adeptus Titanicus can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything...

Gunum Interviews: …Greg?

The Goonhammer Posting Universe - or the GPU, as the execs call it - has a collection of different characters that the internet has gotten to know over the past three or four years. I, myself was enamored by...

Goonhammer Historicals Interview: Richard Lloyd of Bloody Miniatures

If you were reading Goonhammer Historicals last year, you might have caught me waxing lyrical about a new miniatures range that I'd just discovered - Bloody Miniatures - which were adding character and interest to the massed ranks of...

Hobby Showcase: Todd Putnam’s Tables

Thanks to social media I stumbled across some of Todd's work on a terrain building page which linked me over to his Instagram profile. I was in awe of all the incredible boards and miniatures on his page but...

Goonhammer Historicals Interview: Forrest Harris of Knuckleduster Miniatures

There's a small local convention coming up so I decided to paint a bunch of Wild West minis, put on my spurs and attend the Gunfighter's Ball. If you've been to AdeptiCon before you've seen the amazing setup that...

The GOAT, Part 2: An Interview with 2021 40k ITC Champion Richard Siegler

Richard Siegler wasn’t even supposed to be at the 2022 Las Vegas Open. At least, that’s what he told his teammates. But after being unable to attend initially, Siegler’s plans changed and he booked a last-minute flight to Vegas on ...