
How to Paint Everything: Infinity Nomads

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint, well, everything. We look at the different factions of various games, their heraldry, and different techniques for painting them from different artists.  Infinity's Nomads are one of...

Catching Snowflakes: Kosmoflot Tactics

Welcome to what may become a series of articles discussing the less popular or prolific factions of Infinity.  Are you, like me, a special snowflake that needs to run a unique faction in your community? Do you need to be...

Infinity Fundamentals, Part V: Common Plays and Tactical Situations

In today's final article on the fundamentals of Infinity, we're covering common plays and tactical situations. If you missed any of our previous articles, you can check them out here: Part I: Strategy Part II: Building a Competitive List ...

How to Paint Everything: Yu Jing

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look how to paint well, everything. We look at models and effects and look at several different methods for painting them. We've recently been getting into Infinity in a big...

Infinity Fundamentals, Part IV: Initiative Rolls and Deployment

The Initiative Roll and both players' Deployment in Infinity set the conditions for the whole game. Because of the Orders mechanic rather than a conventional IGOUGO structure where every model can move throughout the game, many of your models...

Infinity Fundamentals, Part II: Building Lists for Competitive Play

Welcome to part 2 of our four-part series on the fundamentals of Infinity. If you missed part I on general strategy, you can find it here. We've previously talked about the Fundamentals of List Building in Lupe's article on the...

Infinity Fundamentals, Part I: Strategy

Welcome back to our regular Infinity coverage! In this week's article we're diving back into tactics and strategy with a deep dive into the basics of strategy from Genghis Cohen, whom you may recognize from our Necromunday series. Today...

Infinity Tactics: The Fundamentals of List Building

List building in Infinity is a very different challenge to many other wargames, and as a new player working out what is a “good list” can be hugely intimidating. Asking more experienced players if a unit or a list...

Infinity Tactics: Timfinity II Tournament Report

Some times, everything lines up just right. Timfinity 2021 Part 2 was a tournament where I went 3-0, lost a single model across three games (and it was a remote, my actual team was fine), and didn't make a...

Infinity Tactics: Combat Group Two

One of the most subtly complex topics in N4 Infinity is what, exactly, to do with Combat Group Two (CG2). Gone are the days when you could cram so many models into it that it could fight almost like...