
Ilor’s Road to Gencon Part 2: Crouching Gwailo, Hidden Sphinx

The preparation for the ITS After Dark event at GenCon continues, this time taking a look at two of the heaviest hitters for the Shasvastii Expeditionary Force: the Gwailo heavy infantry and the fearsome Sphinx TAG. Right, so when I...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 1: I Guess We’re Doing This

As a long-time RPG player, GenCon is one of the high points of my year. Every August I look forward to getting together with friends - both new and old - and gaming my brains out for four days...

Infinity: Military Order Fireteam Options

This article is an addition to a previous look at Military Orders, written last year. With the rules for composing Fireteams having changed quite significantly, the older article no longer makes sense when talking about how to incorporate Fireteams...

Infinity Faction Focus: Tunguska

It's probably the wrong time to talk about the Russian Space Mafia faction for Infinity but I guess here we are. Tunguska is what happens when you setup a intergalactic tax haven that is allowed to maintain its own...

Goonhammer Infinity – Adepticon 22: New Fireteam Rules & Profiles Reactions

On 24th of March 2022, Corvus Belli have released an update to the rules for composing Fireteams of Infinity models, giving us new Fireteam rules and profiles. In this article our Goonhammer Infinity authors are running through the changes...

Infinity Faction Focus: Ramah Task Force

Kept you waiting, huh? Today we’re going to take a look at Ramah Task Force (RTF), Haqqislam’s most recently released sectorial. Somewhat unlike QK and HB, Ramah is meant to represent an elite albeit conventional military force (as conventional as...

Catching Snowflakes: Spiral Corps 

Welcome back to Catching Snowflakes, our series of tactics articles covering the less popular or prolific factions of Infinity. In this week’s article we’re talking about Spiral Corps. Wait, where is Musterkrux? Hello Goonhammer! I’m Micro, and I’m the resident long time...

Infinity Tactics: Camouflage

If you mostly play against normal armies going up against a force heavy on the camouflage can be a bizarre nightmare where nothing makes sense and you get hit with missiles out of nowhere every time you try to...

Timfinity Tournament Report, December 2021

So after the Year Unspeakable, I finally got some games of Infinity at our regular local Timfinity tournament. These were a good reminder of why I love the game – two games where everything went exactly according to my...

Infinity: The State of the Game Roundtable

Infinity is a great game that we here at Goonhammer don't talk about enough (Ed: This is true, even if our name is Goonhammer. Write more about Infinity already), so the parole board has reviewed the behaviour of several...