
Infinity Tournament Report: St Alban’s Smackdown, 3 December 2022

Finally, back to St Alban's for another Infinity tournament! This was my first in person event since the last one in August, and my first in person event of ITS14. I played Nomads in the last one with some...

Infinity Tournament Season (ITS) 14 Rules Round-Up

It’s that time of year again, Goons! ITS 14 has dropped and Goonhammer is bringing you the Poblano of spicy takes on this development. Are ya ready, kids? I can't hear you... Genghis Cohen: I am excited to see this...

Infinity Tournament Report: The St Albans Smackdown August 2022

For the first time in many months, I had the opportunity to attend an in-person, rather than Tabletop Simulator, tournament last weekend. This was the latest iteration of the St Albans Smackdown, a very well run event held in...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 6: Adventures of a Filthy Casual

After a frenetic prep phase in which I painted something like 380 points of Shasvastii, let's talk about how I actually did in the ITS After Dark tournament at GenCon. If you harken back to the beginning of this saga,...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 5: Bad Seeds

The continuing saga of preparations for the 400-point "ITS After Dark" Tournament at GenCon. It's coming down to the wire! Slimy Bags of Goo For the last couple of weeks I've talked about my forces, the missions being played in the...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 4: Poor Life Choices

Another installment in my crazy plan to participate in the ITS After Dark qualifying tournament at GenCon. What was I thinking? O Hisashiburi! OK, so it's been a minute since my last post. You might think that in the intervening time...

Competitive Play: Combined Army Avatar Lists and the Competitive Infinity Meta

Let's Talk about Combined Army Lists. There has been a fair amount of chatter in the online Infinity community recently about the strength of Combined Army lists using the Avatar TAG. This follows on from one Lachlan Summers (ITS name...

Infinity Faction Focus: JSA

Never let it be said that Goonhammer doesn’t deliver for our beloved audience. When are we doing a JSA article? Now, my dude. Right-freakin’-now. Earlier, we were thinking of trying to write Goonhammer’s best article ever but then some glory-hound...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 3: Karen from Sales

Preparations for the ITS After Dark event at GenCon continue. This week we'll be looking at the magic of Impersonators Impersonation More than any other tabletop miniatures game I've ever played, Infinity allows you to lie to your opponent. No, Infinity...

Infinity: Corregidor New Units & Fireteams Update

The Raveneye updates in late March 2022 have changed the way Fireteams are composed in Infinity, and that means shake-ups of all Sectorial armies’ internal balance and the common formats of their lists. More particularly, it means we need...