imperial knights

Knights in Warhammer 40,000 – a history of chivalry

In A History of Miniature Violence, we look at the history of wargames, examining different factions, games, and concepts over the years. Today we're looking at the history of Knights in Warhammer 40,000, colossal war machines piloted by members...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Showdown Showcase

Just two weekends left on the 2021 ITC season, and another set of events in the books as players give the GT2021 pack and points costs a final workout ahead of the new book going up for preorder this...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Liminal State

Last week was a big old upheaval for competitive 40K thanks to the release of the first Balance Dataslate, and thanks to the intrepid players and TOs at Northern Warlords, this week, we get a first glimpse of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Warp Stirs pt.2

More events = more content. I can't imagine there will be many complaints. Today, we'll be covering: Matthammer FactoruM September GT Carnage - 'Ere We Go Again Ladz A bonus look at the Polish Team Championships If you're looking for the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Goonhammerception

This week the answer to "were there any events?" is especially obvious for anyone paying attention to what we've been up to, because the inaugural Goonhammer Open US is now in the books, with the champion's belt (literally, that's...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Machine Superiority

No more quiet weeks, it would appear. For the second week running we've got five events to cover, and another blowout this weekend coming up, which sees both the Lone Star Open and the first weekend in the UK...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Drukhari Endgame

A huge weekend for competitive play is now lodged firmly in the books, with two majors and a GT bringing us both the denouement of the pre-nerf Drukhari era and the first sight of what the world might look...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge

I get real obsessed with bad ideas sometimes, and they rattle around my skull forever, caught in the wrinkles of my brain. The only way to get them out of there is to tilt my head around like one...

War Zone Charadon: The Book of Rust Review – The Matched Play Rules

Next weekend sees not just one but two massive releases for competitive Warhammer 40,000. In addition to the 9th edition release of Codex: Drukhari (find our review of that book here), Games Workshop will also be releasing their first...

Your Army Sucks 2k21 Preview, Part 1: The Imperium

It’s a whole new year, and your army is likely to see some changes. Goonhammer is here to help, with an unbiased preview of every army, how it plays, and what to expect. We’ll be covering each codex with...