Imperial Agents

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Elves off the Shelf pt.1

A webway portal unleashes the Aeldari in Poland, while across the globe Imperial Agents seize control of a GT in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.

Q4 2024 40K Balance Dataslate: Imperium

A number of Imperium armies saw major changes in the December 2024 Balance Dataslate. We look at all the changes for every army, talk about what they mean for your games, and who won and lost this time around.

Detachment Focus: Veiled Blade Elimination Force

The Veiled Blade Assassination force makes Assassins an even deadlier threat, making them more like the lore - we dig into how to play them in the new Detachment.

Start Competing: Deathwatch Tactics

Start Competing: Deathwatch Tactics The Deathwatch are unique among marine chapters in that they claim no primarch nor first founding legion but instead recruit their number from other chapters across the galaxy. Warriors inducted into the Deathwatch typically do so...

[40K] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Cult Hits pt.1

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

The Q4 2024 Balance Update: Imperium Factions

We look at the changes to the non-Space Marine Imperium factions in the Q4 2024 Balance Update, and talk about how they've changed and what it means for the competitive meta.

Codex Imperial Agents Points Update: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop dropped the stealthiest points update ever, quietly uploading the new points for the upcoming Codex: Imperial Agents to Warhammer-Community last night. If you missed them, you can find the new points here. These points complete the puzzle...

Start Reading: Imperial Agents

Picked up a new Codex and a new Army, or revisiting an old force in a new edition? Welcome to Start Reading 40k, our guide to the best novels of the Black Library for each faction slugging it out...

Hammer of Math: 40K Imperial Agents Assassins

This week's Hammer of Math explores the ways Assassins can execute the Emperor's foes in the new Codex Imperial Agents. It's safe to say that the Imperium gets the most toys, especially when something like Codex Imperial Agents comes out....

Detachment Focus – Purgation Force

We take a deep dive into the new Purgation Force Detachment from Codex: Imperial Agents.