How to Paint Everything

How to Base Everything: Pools of Slime

Basing is a critical part of the painting process. Armies on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium or the Mortal Realms will find themselves fighting across a wide variety of terrain, from lush jungles to barren rockscapes, industrial wastelands...

How to Base Everything: Urban Bases

Basing is a critical part of the painting process. Armies on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium or the Mortal Realms will find themselves fighting across a wide variety of terrain, from lush jungles to barren rockscapes, industrial wastelands...

How to Paint Everything: Painting Marble

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint different models, armies, and materials, and different approaches to painting them. In this article, we're exploring how to paint marble surfaces. An Introduction to Marble Marble is...

Project Management in Warhammer: Taking your work home with you

One of the most daunting challenges a modeler can face is working through their backlog. While most of our articles talk about how to paint and model, we seldom talk about the process of managing it all. This week,...

Alfredo Ramirez – How to Paint Thousand Sons

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Thousand Sons. To return to the parent article, click this link.  When it comes to the traditional Rubric scheme, there’s basically two ways to go about this:...

How to Paint Everything: Quick and Easy OSL, the 20 min Method(s)

OSL, Oh Es Ell? Object Source Lighting, or if you're like me and didn't learn art and its proper terminology, painting something to look like it emits light, glows etc.. I originally wrote a quick article last year about how to...

How To Paint Everything: Successor Chapters Of Goonhammer

Greetings! With the release of the excellent 8th edition Space Marine Codex Mk 2 (check out our review series on the book here: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3), Games Workshop has brought back the coolest part of the 4th...

How to Paint Everything

Welcome to How to Paint Everything! Here at Goonhammer we've been working on a series of articles about how to paint, well, everything. We're not there yet - it turns out there's a lot of possible factions and paint schemes...

How to Paint Everything: Lazy Non-Metallic Metal

This week we have a guest column by fine painter and all-around cool dude, Eric Beers! Join us for this quick and easy tutorial on how to get a non-metallic metal effect, fast. Non-metallic metal (NMM) has a reputation for...

How to Paint Everything: Ynnari, Part 2 – Yvraine

  In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. This week, we're kicking off a three-part series...