Hot Take

FAQ Hot Take: The Book of Fire

Games Workshop dropped another "FAQ" on us this morning, this time for Charadon Act II: The Book of Fire. This was a relatively hotly anticipated FAQ, as there's been a lot of debate since the book's launch about how...

Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ – Hot Take

It happened again. Games Workshop released a book so busted that it needed a second FAQ. We covered the first iteration of changes, but GW is back on it. This new document doesn't address all of our concerns, but...

The FAQ Hot Take: Munitorum Field Manual and Chapter Approved 2021

As well as the Codex: Adepta Sororitas FAQ, GW snuck in an update to the Munitorum Field Manual and Chapter Approved 2021. As always, we’re here with a write-up on the contents of the FAQ and analysis on what...

Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ – Hot Take

As is now customary, with just over a month having passed from the release of the 9th Edition Adeptus Mechanicus Codex, an FAQ has appeared that provides a few key clarifications and corrections. To set expectations - there are...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Cities of Sigmar

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on Friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Age of Sigmar FAQ Hot Take: Core Rules

It's here! At midnight tonight we will officially be in the third edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Just a few hours ahead of release, Games Workshop launched a series of FAQs for every faction to help bring them...

The 2021 Big FAQ Update Hot Take: Core Rules

Games Workshop dropped an absolute bombshell of an update today, with FAQs for the majority of factions, tons of clarifications, and big adjustments to everything from core rules to key faction abilities. There’s a ton to sift through but...

Kill Team Pariah Nexus FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop quietly dropped a new FAQ this week, but to our surprise it was for Kill Team and not Codex: Drukhari. The new Kill Team FAQ addresses several key things in the new Pariah Nexus book and has...

The Death Guard FAQ Hot Take

There's a new Death Guard FAQ today and while the document is shorter than we'd like - this seems to be an ongoing trend for the new FAQs - what it does have are some very important rules adjustments...

The 40k Munitorum Points Manual Changes Hot Take

While no one was paying attention today GW quietly dropped an update to their Munitorum Points Manual, fixing a number of issues and errors in the previous version. They've very (un)helpfully decided to not color code any of these...