Hot Take

The Q4 2022 Kill Team Balance Dataslate Review

It's a Christmas(?) miracle! No sooner had we finished writing up our review of the new FAQs than Santa (or Father Christmas, or Professor Xmas, or whoever brings presents where you are) decided to swing by and deliver to...

The December 2022 Kill Team FAQ Update

As the holidays near and the year comes to a close Games Workshop has presented Kill Team players with a new round of FAQs, presumably in preparation for an upcoming Balance Dataslate. The first thing people will notice is that...

Marvel Crisis Protocol – Rules Update Extravaganza

While most of us start to wind down toward year’s end and gather our thoughts on the year gone, Atomic Mass Games decided instead to drop some of the biggest changes to Marvel Crisis Protocol that have taken place...

Codex Leagues of Votann FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Look readers, I could lie to you and say this was the plan all along, and of course we had to wait till Hot Take Thursday to push this out, but it's the end of the year and thus our...

Blood Bowl November 2022 FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s November, and you know what that means, Sports Fans! It’s time for yet another Blood Bowl FAQ! Our crack team of reporters will take a look at what changes and clarifications we’re looking at this time around. Participants: Dan...

The November Kill Team FAQs

Games Workshop dropped a massive update for Kill Team last Friday, giving us FAQs, errata, and commentary for nearly every faction in the game, as well as answering some of our most pressing questions about Gallowdark. We'd had quite...

The Q4 2022 40k Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s finally that time again – the design studio have gazed upon the metagame, rotated it in their minds, and made some tweaks aimed at leveling the playing field. Let’s take a look at what’s changed, and what it...

Codex: Chaos Daemons FAQ Hot Take

Games Workshop dropped a FAQ for Codex: Chaos Daemons today, and as always we're here to provide insight on what's changed. Be'lakor does not gain every Warp Storm Effect "Supreme Command" was added to the list of LEGIONES DAEMONICA Detachments that...

The Q3 2022 Kill Team Dataslate – Goonhammer Hot Take

It's almost October and that means it was time for a new quarterly dataslate. The Q3 2022 dataslate dropped today, coming in a bit earlier than expected. Kill Team has been settling into a solid groove recently, with some...

Horus Heresy Hot Take: FAQs and Legacy update

  It would be fair to say there were more than a few parts of the Horus Heresy 2.0 rules that weren't entirely clear. The community has therefore been waiting with real anticipation for the new edition's first FAQ to...